Why am I bleeding too much?

I was ancient due for my period (I enjoy irregular minses, but I can usually estimate the time I am due for it each month..I skipped ultimate month...only bled restrained brown, but I don't consiter that my period) So I never have gone bygone 5 days with my interval, and it's going on the 8 days right now! I own severe cramping when I move sometimes, and then at other times it go away and it feels "normal" along near that, I have small clots coming out of me. It's gross.anyway, Am I miss carrying or am I pregnant? or what is going on? P.S. I enjoy no medical insurance either and already owe the hospital 500 and some bucks for my broken toe! PLEASE HELP ME!

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Oh that's not a good sign.That can be a Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding (DUB). Depending upon your age.
That's not not dangerous especially because you are also thinking of the possibility that you are prolly pregnant. Do you always own the same symptons resembling when your period skips approaching having hurricane lantern brown thing and next off?
I support you go and see a doctor. If you aren't pregnat still it isn't a suitable sign that you miss your period or skip. There is a drug now or a pill that can comfort you have a regular monthly length. But somehow i can't remember what does it.
First thing to do, if you mull over that going to a doctor is expensive, you can buy a pregnancy test and check if you really are, and if you're positive, it is really advise to see a doctor.

The most common symptom of a miscarriage is bleeding, during pregnancy may be referred to as a threatened abortion. Of women who desire clinical treatment for bleeding during pregnancy, about partially will go on to enjoy a miscarriage. Symptoms other than bleeding are not statistically related to miscarriage.

Miscarriage may also be detected during an ultrasound exam, or through serial human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) conducting tests. Women pregnant from ART methods, and women with a history of miscarriage, may be monitored closely and so detect a miscarriage sooner than women short such monitoring.

Several medical options exist for managing documented nonviable pregnancies that enjoy not been expelled naturally

you can see this site:

Im still on my pd., do I own to wait until it stops contained by order 2 start my spanking new pack of Tri-sprintec?

go see a a doc

Kinda personal?

It is very adjectives to have a heavier length after a light or skipped time of year, since your endometrium had more time to build up. Twice the time lacking a period...twice as strong a spell when it comes. It's OK.

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Find a charity hospital and military camp out in the waiting room. There must be a free clinic somewhere. Get someone to drive you if you can't receive somewhere.

My period last for 1 day simply but when i took the test its glum?

yea i think thats commonplace..at least to me...sometimes im really really pallid one month and the next...WHOA!! stout so so heavy.small clots can be run of the mill too...as long as you dont feel sick consequently your fine

What's this sound resembling?

Its normal for that brown to be a interval, its called spotting and it is a length.x.x.

How long does your period final!?

Clots are normal and you may bleed more and heavier when you enjoy clots. You are having an remarkable period for you but it is fine so far. If at hand is any chance you could be pregnant afterwards buy a cheap pregnancy test and use it.

Why does this start to my vagina after sex?

it depends on your age sometimes. try drinking some raspberry tea from a fast food or convenience store (as much as possible to diminish the flow)

What is this new "skirt" on tampons? e confused..?

It's ordinary to have irregular period. I've had one for a week once, and yours seem to be only a bit different. It's heavier since you skipped ending month, it'll be much better in a few days.
And your time stops when you're pregnant...
You're probably young, since younger culture have it more irregular than elder.

Is it normal to start another time a week later! I am 30?

Ok i have the same problem. se your doctor. Your length has gone into what is call (menorrhagia). The clots start because its a natural reation to a stocky bleeding. The doctor will give you birth control to regulate and stop the bleeding. its exalted to see him or her( doctor) because bleeding to long and heavy can lead to anemia. and if you are not taking vitamins start now and also run iron. and see if you have a local free clinic. merely call the condition department they will tell you be to go.

On the contraceptive pill not taking a weeks break?

I dont know how hoary you are but sometimes when your younger you may miss a period.Did you enjoy unprotected sex?Having an irregular period will deffinatly administer you heavy period and sometimes large clumps as powerfully.I would go see a dr. he may put you on birthcontrol pills to support with adjectives of that.

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first anytime your period concluding more than 7 days or reoccurs within 21 days you involve to see a gyno, next if you hold severe pain, nausea, dizziness, sweating or dimness go to the ER no business how much you owe them, by law if it's a publicly own hospital they are required to provide medical exactness if you have a go threatening situation, call er and ask going on for local clinics that provide care for economically disadvantaged population hope this helps!

I only had a mole removed and I do not know when to rob the band aid rotten.. Help?

Been there; done that.

I don't enjoy medical insurance.

Anyway if it lasts more than 14 days; thats when you should be worried.

Your length can last anywhere from 3 to 14 days. As long as you're beneath 20-18 years old you shouldn't verbs about how consistant it is.

Bloated facilitate plz ?

It's possible you are having a miscarriage, the lone way to know for sure is to see a doctor. Many women lose their first pregnancy by have a miscarriage without even knowing, they of late think they own a heavier than normal term. If it doesn't start to slow down soon you will have to see a doctor, near is a chance for an infection or worse if you hold on to bleeding. Most of the time though you can miscarry naturally minus needing any medical thought. My doc told me there be a greater risk of infection with a D&C, I miscarried easily and I believe I bled for about 2 weeks.

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