if a person you slept with got tested for std's and came back as clean.does that mean your clean?


Maybe I should have have a check up?

No, not at all.you requirement to get yourself checked out because although your partner be clean, you may own something that he didn't pick up. It is very vital that everyone gets checked out, but especially girls because they could own an STD and not even know it. And then it could turn into cancer and possibly variety you infertile.

What are sexually transmitted infections?
Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are infections you can get by have sex with someone who have an infection. These infections are usually passed by having intercourse, but they can also be passed through other types of sex. STIs can be cause by viruses or germs. STIs caused by virus include hepatitis B, herpes, HIV and the human papilloma virus (HPV). STIs caused by germs include chlamydia, gonorrhea and syphilis.

Am I at risk for having an STI?
If you've ever have sex, you may be at risk for having an STI. Your risk is difficult if you have have many sex partner, have have sex with someone who have had plentiful partners or hold had sex minus using condoms. Some common symptoms of STIs are planned in the box below.

Common signs/symptoms of STIs
Itching around the vagina and/or discharge from the vagina for women
Discharge from the penis for men
Pain during sex, when urinating and/or in the pelvic nouns
Sore throats in ancestors who have oral sex
Pain in the anus for nation who have anal sex
Chancre sores (painless red sores) on the genital nouns, anus, tongue and/or throat
A scaly over-hasty on the palms of your hands and the soles of your foot
Dark urine, loose, light-colored stools, and yellow eyes and skin
Small blisters that turn into scabs on the genital nouns
Swollen glands, fever and body ache
Unusual infections, unexplained fatigue, night sweats and counterbalance loss
Soft, flesh-colored warts around the genital nouns

Should I be checked for STIs?
See your doctor if you're at risk for having an STI, if you hold any STI symptoms or if you have concerns just about whether you have one. STIs can grounds problems if left untreated.

For example, chlamydia can front to problems that can cause women not to be capable of have children. HPV can head to cancer of the cervix or penis, and syphilis can lead to paralysis, mental problems, heart hurt, blindness and death.

How are STIs diagnosed?
Most STIs can be diagnosed through an exam by your doctor, a culture of the secretion from your vagina or penis, or through a blood test.

Can STIs be prevented?
Yes. The one and only sure way to prevent STIs is by not have sex. If you have sex, you can lower your risk by singular having sex next to someone who isn't having sex near anyone else and who doesn't have an STI.

You should other use condoms when having sex, including oral and anal sex.

What else should I do?
Limit the number of sex partner you have. Ask your partner if he or she have an STI and tell your partner if you hold had one. Talk more or less whether you've both been tested for STIs and whether you should be tested.

Look for signs of an STI contained by your sex partner. But remember that STIs don't always show their symptoms. Don't enjoy sex if you or your partner are being treated for an STI.

Wash your genitals beside soap and water and urinate soon after you own sex. This may help verbs away some germs before they enjoy a chance to infect you.

Do condoms prevent STIs?
Male latex condoms can slim down your risk of getting an STI if used correctly (see the box below). Be sure to use them every time you have sex, during adjectives types of sex, including vaginal, anal and oral sex. Female condoms aren't as effective as mannish condoms, but should be used when a man won't use a male condom.

Remember, though, that condoms aren't 100% undamaging and can't protect you from coming in contact with some sores, such as those that can ensue with herpes, or wart, which can occur near HPV infection.

Should I use a spermicide to help prevent STIs?
No. It be once thought that spermicides with nonoxynol-9 could give support to prevent STIs much like they assist prevent pregnancy -- by damaging the organisms that end in the diseases. New research has shown that nonoxynol-9 can also irritate a woman’s vagina and cervix, if truth be told increasing the risk of STI infection.

Be sure to also check the ingredients of any other sex-related products you own, such as lubricants and condoms. Some brands of these products may have nonoxynol-9 added to them. If you are unsure if your spermicide or any other product contains nonoxynol-9, ask your doctor previously using it.

How far does a guys thing turn into a girl because my boyfriend is alot bigger than me.?


Get checked.

What to do about an itchy vagina?

well if you own only slept next to them maybe but obtain tested yourself. its the only instrument to make sure and maintain you timelines HIV only shows after 6 months so honourable time to get retested.

Wow! I own two questions contained by one. I might have interval and i want bra.?

no, the person tested could hold slept with someone inbetween the audition and getting the results. The ONLY way to know you are verbs is not have sex, or ALWAYS use a rubber condom.

Hoag Hospital, Newport Beach, CA Obgyn Recommendation?

It depends on when they be tested, if they slept with anyone else within between and if you've had any other partner!
Be safe and hold yourself tested too!

Cranberry means what? In india i m not see cranberry?

agree with netzombie catch checked use protection be safe be alive

will one steroid shot trade name the baby procure bigger or does it only affect the lungs?

NO! Someone who is HIV positive can show as verbs for months.

What is UD?

GET TESTED just contained by case.

What is herpes?

Not necessarily. If you are sexually involved, never take anyone else's word for it, other use a condom. It depends on what STD's they tested for. Obviously your partner had a concern, which resources everyone they have slept next to so have you. You can move about to a Dr's office or even the Health Dept and they can do screenings even for HIV. Each STD have an incubation period, consequence you can spread it before you even know you own it. HIV can no show for up to 6mos after exposure. Not trying to scare you, but by not knowing is why STD's hold spread so quickly. Abstinence is best, save, use a condom ALWAYS. But, even condoms are not 100%

What kind of vitamins should I be taking since i don't close to vegetables, fruits and milk?

no it means that they get checked and didnt find anything yet it doesnt indicate that ur clean it could mingy taht u may be infected and ur partner was lucky ample not to get it. gain checked anything can happen

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