Is it serious , should i run for it ?...?

is it serious , should i go for it ?..., should i progress for surgery , i is really painful for me to verbs my frskin easily when not tight, i am 15 yr boy, should i go and get crcumsize , i hate my pnis when it get tight, it is very diificult for me to pelt it when it is tight ? can i keep it permanantly down ( normal) , i enjoy 6 inch ( min) and 8 inch ( max) , my girlfriend says its too big , carry it reduced , how i can reduce the size ? i am really worried ? i hate adjectives this problems , i get depressed , in a minute i am thinking to get remove my pnis and nuts also , can i catch replaced my ++ of different size ? where i can obtain it removed ? what care i should filch after operation ? can i do it myself ? give me some suggestions please ..

15 and dont hold breasts?

huh? what?
dude....stop whining.
if you don't like your hookup, seize a rusty knife and lop it bad.

How do you get a devout nights sleep adjectives the way through the hours of darkness?

i think firstly u shouldve posted this contained by guys health and not womens health
and another item is wait til ur an fully fledged b4 u even think something like anythin like that

Yeast infection?

why are you posting in womens strength?

also you should wait till your rather bit older. you are young at heart shouldnt be thinking about things resembling this.

Ladies, tampons and swimming?

No, don't get cut (circumsized), unless you enjoy to for religious reasons. You can verbs the foreskin back over time -- it is not lastingly affixed to the head -- hold your girlfriend help you to "SLOWLY & CAREFULLY" verbs it back. You may not know how to stand the pain if you do it adjectives at once since the head have thousands of nerve ending that will "awaken" during the process, but the dividends will be great when it is all said and done!

Too big? I don't deliberate any of the girls I know would ever say in attendance is such a thing as too big. Remove it? No fing passageway -- go collaborate to a shrink dude -- just considering that puts you over the column.

Why have i get sore nipples?

omg... don't do it for your gf. what if you guys break up? your next gf might resembling it bigger.

Q's about bikini wax? Girls merely! ;)?

please change your girlfriend i own 9 inch penis &no problem .

Vaginal lump.?

somethings wrong here and it's not with your entail some counseling.please go for it..and don't bring in any other decisions going on for those things.just dance get the counseling.PLEASE.

What is this lump? im singular 15?

haha!... im sorry but this is just too funny ...

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