Have some questions roughly speaking perscription migraine medication.?

I have horrible migraines adjectives of the time. I have tried heaps otc medications and none enjoy provided me adaquate relief. I enjoy heard of prescription migraine medication, and be wondering what kinds are out in attendance and if anyone has used them, do they work? I am due for my annual look in to my Gyno and was going to ask her in the region of it, but wasn't sure she could perscribe anything, seeing as this is not her "expertise". Does anyone have any adjectives information?


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I also am a severe migraine sufferer. I am also on medication to aid prevent the frequency and severity of them. I also have medication to bear at the start of any headache so that it does not progress into a full, you want to die migraine.

Personally I am on Inderal LA each morning as a preventative. To treat the migraines I enjoy MaxAlt, MLT. They instantly melt contained by your mouth (the taste is gross, but worth it) and I usually see nouns in 20 mins or so.

Each migraine sufferer is different in their symptoms, severity snd treatment next to and without medication. You physician will know which ones you should try.

Your GYN, yes she can RX the medicines for you, but since you with the sole purpose see her 1 X year I will suggest that your primary care physician buy and sell with this as he will know how to monitor you on a basis that he deem necessary.

My doctor truly had recommemded that I see a neurologist to r/o anything else and feel the neurologist was best to switch my types of migraines. I had an appoint for my first consult more or less 6 weeks out from that time but a few days later I done up being admit for 6 days for pain control from a cluster migraine episode. That is where on earth I actually met my neuro for the first time.

Also, please look into these sights as in that maybe something that will be usefull to you:





Be Safe & Be Well

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go to a migraine clinic at a major medical university center that specilaizes within migraines.
you are correct your gyn is not the person to have a chat too.

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I tried everything, I was hospitalized for two days contained by January with one. Now I am on Topomax and it have been a savior. It have some side effects, like my fantasy is a little worse, and I cannot drink soda presently, but other than that, I hold not had a single headache. Good luck.

Hi! I enjoy terrible crumps when I draw from pms how do I make it better?

You may want to get sure that it is not in response to any foods. Food allergies create the largest amount of triggers for migraine...soy, MSG, Splenda, NutraSweet (any artificial sweetener). Also, you may enjoy allergies that cause them. Do you get hold of the migraines in the afternoon (or before it rains) when the barometric pressure is dropping? This is also a adjectives trigger.

I have be on almost every medication there is for migraine and own not ever found one that helped. Once I started looking into in no doubt foods and weather patterns I found what trigger my migraine.

If you drink diet sodas...STOP IT IMMEDIATELY! Anything "diet" and/or processed will contribute to the headache. Try to eat as crude as you can when it comes to food.


i suffer from migraines so i know a few brands. your gyno porbably won't be able to help out, you will have to net an appointment with your doctor, and they hold to diagnose you as a migraine sufferer (really simple, just relay them your symptoms when you have a migraine). i own taken Rolpax which works ok, and I have a prescription for Immetrex which I haven't needed but but I heard works wonders. pious luck and i hope you feel better =).

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There is a clean development surrounded by migraine therapy:

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