On the contraceptive pill... not taking a weeks break?

I'm on the birth control pill MICROGYNON 30. I have a short time ago ran 3 packet together without taking the weeks break in between. (i enjoy reasons for doing this... on holiday for 1st week... didn't want to be on for that and he 2nd week i be doing a lot f drama performances, again it's not nice to enjoy a period for that!)

What i want to know is, will this afect me within any way (short or long term)? Is it ok to do it every immediately and then?

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More and more women seem to be taking birth control pills short a break. A new pill, Lybrel, be just approved by the FDA - it eliminate periods entirely. Some info on Lybrel: http://obgyn.strength.ivillage.com/newssto... Perhaps this might be a good choice for you?

There's no easier said than done evidence that changing the dosing on bc pills cause long-term or short-term side effects. I'd suggest that you read up on this method of contraception, though. It's interesting . and it's so important that we lecture ourselves:
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Take care!

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You hold to have a weeks break after 3 weeks otherwise it messes up your system?
I may be wrong though...

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Sounds similar to this new drug the FDA lately passed will be for you. Lybril! Even though they say it's safe- long residence I believe just from studying effects and knowing the automatic processes of a womens body - I believe women could have fertitily problems when and if they choose to conceive and hav children. I also believe the inherent process to everything is havin a period- it regulates hormones, etc. within the body. I believe it could hold an effect on your hormone producing areas of the body such as your glands, reproductive organs, etc. But like i said they're a moment ago starting to study the effects of such a thing- because of this new med. they approved. I would utter though that with doing that to a reg. birth control the effects could hold higher risks of adjectives the side effects to the drug as well as spotting maybe in between when you resolve to have your time of year and might have more cramping if that be ever an issue for you. good luck though!

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Its immaculately normal and ok to skip the placebo week and spring back into moving pills to skip one's period. If its something you would close to to do on a regular basis, speak beside your gyn about switching to Lybrel, or Seasonique which get rid of your period, or mute it to 4 times a year respectively.

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