Is it possible for a 10 year old to start her term?

Ladies, I am ignorant on this subject. I hold full custody and I am a single guy. Her Nana told me she had some what appeared to be blood spots on her panties. She be getting ready to bring into the pool & she noticed this. My 10 year antediluvian was born premature by 2 months. What do I obligation to do? Like I said I have no clue & im sure I enjoy a lot to revise.

Im a women in my 40's and due to walk on a summer holiday ?

actually yes it is possible fo a ten year behind the times to have her term. just buy her some pad and keep her out of hose unless it is a shower. Make sure she changes her pad every 4 or less hours

Why women genital tend to smell fishy ?

if shes really solid then yes

Does green tea lower estrogen level?

Yes, girls and boys are entering puberty earlyer that other generations.

Part of it is diet.

Vaginal discharge?

yes, in 9 year old friend started her term. And weight be NOT a factor!

My Left Vaginal Flap Blew Up LIKE A BALLOON HELP!?

yes it is. don't get personal near your daughter. get a woman to yak to her about it, they would know what to say aloud. the usual ages are 9-14

Please help me near mt health!Any doctors surrounded by this website?

yes definetly

Do stretch marks go and get less icky looking when you lose consignment?

Not too normal but it can crop up, have her checked out by an OB-GYN also and ask for information on anything you necessitate to know . ignorance is only by those who do not ask

Can a UTI mete out you to be late on your interval?

A girl gets her time every 28 days. Within the first 2 years of her period it will be deeply abnormal. Like not have it for a couple months. Go to the store and by pads for her. Maybe 2 pack.

Ovarian cysts?

Yes, she could have started.
Most expected you should buy her pads and since it appears you might not know much just about the subject maybe enjoy her Nana explain or another female friend.

Does Estrogen pills really facilitate grow breasts?

It's possible. I know two people who started at 8.
Since you don't enjoy any experience, I'd listen to her Nana. Just make sure she have pads and tampons around. She might be embarrased because you're a guy, so simply try to stay calm and cool in the region of it.

If you don't think it's her time of year, you may want to take her to a doctor to label sure it's not an infection of some sort.
Good luck!

What's asynclitism?

Blood could actually be a sign of a bladder infection, but it is possible to catch a period at ten, a couple of my friends did, mine be at 11. Just get her some of the essentials... approaching pads and pantie liner, if you have a friend who is a girl i'm sure they'd be likely you help you and your little girl out. Also you probably want to contribute her some tylenol or ibprofen.

Please help?me!!?

It is somewhat premature but not unusual. It's time to be check by a doctor and hormonal level.

What are the signs of sexual excitation surrounded by women?

There have be girls age 6 start them. I started mine at age 11 & that was pretty precipitate. Make sure that she hasn't been abused by someone (I know you don't want to even deliberate that). It's also possible that she could've wrecked on a bike (I did). You need to sort an appointment with her Dr. The Dr. can answer any question you may have & can label sure everything is alright.

What age did her mom start? Sometimes girls follow their mother's pattern of mensturation.

Am i pregnant?

GREETINGS, yes it's possible, most girls start between 9-14. have she had cramps or anything? Can her Nana explain things to her? The first one is usually basically spotting, so some lightday pantiliners should do the trick but next time she'll probably have need of a regular maxi pad. They usually agree to girls in 4th status about womanly health and period are one of the topics but some schools don't share so if not, after one of you get sthe full opening.

Menstration question?

Yes it is completely possible to start a period at ten years ripened. It has nought to do with man fat, adjectives girls mature differently and hit puberty at different ages. I started mine at ten and other women in my clan also did too. A girl can start her perion anytime from ages 9 to 14, if you don't feel comfortable discussion to her about it hold your mother or some other woman do it, try to do it before she starts so she will not be anxious if it happens, I should read out when it happens, its only just part of self a girl. And again I repeat it has zilch to do with one fat, I be not even close to being curvy when I was ten.

My Body Hurts After Mastubation?

Yes, it's prefectly ordinary. It's all determined by hormones and it sounds similar to hers are in angelic working order.

You don't own to do anything except make sure she understand what's happening to her body and that she have the supplies she needs. It would be pretty shameful for her to have you discussion to her about this, so ask a woman she feel comfortable with to address to her about it.

What do i do just about my girl mustache?

totally possible. some girls start at 9. why doesn't her nana talk to her nearly it?

Girls only tampon????

It is mundane, i was 10 when i get mine..if you have a woman friend or someone who can have a girl homily with her that would be great, keep hold of and eye on her incase she is in pain as capably, sometimes it can be hard to adjust too...but return with some pads. goos luck

Girl issues, have need of help please?

Unfortunately girls are getting their period earlier and before. Most professionals agree that this is due to the hormones given to cows to help them produce milk. The hormone get passed to the milk.

You need to tell with a womanly that you know well and that your daughter know well. You will revise what you need to know and the female can make herself available to converse to your daughter since she will probably be to embarassed to talk to you. You might hold a sister or even her Nana help you beside this.They can also help you buy the critical supplys and help your daughter revise how to use them.

Your daughter needs to swot about the birds and the bees because regrettably 13 year olds are having babies.

Good luck, this is freshly the beginning!

Can the clear stuff that comes out your penis carry a girl pregnant?

The range of when a girl is plausible to get her first length goes from 9-16 years antediluvian, so it is quite imagined that your daughter has started her extent (regardless of weight; everyone's hormones are different).
A few explain to tale signs that her body is physically organized to start menstruating is developing breasts and body hair.
If you dont get the impression comfortable asking her whats going on then distribute her to a website like this :
It conference about have your first period and what you will want, etc.
But what you should do is be there for her and its probably a biddable idea to buy a pack of pad and liners (just surrounded by case)

Please Answer?

Yes it is possible and normal . Both my sisters started at 9 and my friend started at the age of 8 . It does seem to be rather childish but its perfectly conventional . Girls bodies mature at different rates . My mother started at the age of 18 . Just read up on the subject and get hold of some literature for girls your daughters age . And make sure your daughter have a woman that you trust so she can talk to in the order of these kind of things . She might surface uncomfortable chitchat to you and vice versa . Also I commend you for stepping up to the plate and raising your daughter . GOD BLESS AND KEEP YOU BOTH

Could within be something seriously wrong with me?

it is possible to draw from a period anywhere from 9 till 16 years frail.
your daughter a young woman very soon!get her nana to communicate to her all roughly periods and provide her $ to buy pads .she will bring her period every month sometimes it is gonna skip a month or come precipitate.what i would suggest you go to the local library and borrow a book in the order of periods so you can relate to her alittle and know how she feel.
good luck

Am I depressed, or is it something else?

Of course she can. without a flaw normal. Has anyone expained adjectives this to her. She certainly is old-fashioned enough. I doubt the premature birth have anything to do with it. I started at 11. It can be a tough time for a childish lady. She can start having cramps and symptoms until that time her period. If you or Nana get the impression uneasy talking to her, my adjectives means it is time for a trip to the doctor--a feminine would be the best. She needs to know adjectives of this is normal and a element of life. You may want to check into the ppv vacine that I regard as all infantile woman should have.If she hasn't started, it won't be long. SOmetimes the first one is drastically scant, her body is revving up so to speak. I know you love her, so prepare her, and give her adjectives the natural facts nearly woman and men. BEst of don't let her hold her first one withour being prepared. It is worrisome and don't refer to it as being sick as my Mom did. She didn't know better.

PMS request for information. Can you start getting moody as earily as two weeks after your period started?

Yes, it's even possible to start it at 8, and sooner. I don't think it have anything to do with premature birth.The period tend to start earlier because of the heat getting warmer... but it's totally natural to start the period at 10. You can appropriate her to the gynecologist just to check that everything is ok.

Has anyone hear of these positions before?(serious answers lone!)?

Yes sir, it is very possible for your daughter to enjoy started her period at 10 years frail. I started mine at 10. I had both parents but solitary my father was home the light of day I started my cycle. I was simply very fortunate that he know how to handle the situation and advise me to get a wipe out the bathroom cabinet and put it on. It would be a good point for you to have unstop communication with your daughter as she grows & develops. Don't overburden her & grasp her alot of love & support. As the years go by, form sure there are plentifully of pads & tampons within stock at the house. I know you might not want to think roughly speaking this, but if your daughter has any problems next to her cycle, she might have to bring put on birth control pills to keep it regulated.

What foods contain a giant level of estrogen?

Girls who are chubbier tend to gain their periods sooner than others because if she weighs more she have more estrogen in her body thus promoting puberty quicker. If it'd make you quality more comfortable maybe steal her to a female pediatrition (would probably product her feel more comfortable) see what she say and if your daughter does have her time of year you could ask the doctor to explain the whole womanly anatomy to her (which also takes the pressure past its sell-by date you). If she does have her spell buy her pads (preferrably next to wings) and maybe hold bad on tampons until she's older. Good Luck :)

When you lose your virginity?

Yes it is possible, I myself get my period when I be ten years old. She might be somewhat uncomfortable beside you talking roughly speaking it to her, so it would be better to get a feminine to talk to her in the order of it and buy her some products.

Does anyone else pull out their quill and pick at any bump on their skin?

Yes, it is very possible for a 10 year dated girl to start her period. I've met some women that started their extent as young as 9.

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