Girls merely tampon????...

ok my mom isn't around much and can you wear a tampon when ou go swimming cuz it is so embarrasing to say-so i cant go swimming cuz i enjoy a relitive in town minister to!?!?!?!!?!!?!?!?!?!?

Any fun websites that hardly anyone know about?

lol that sucks merely tell him that you don't perfectionism to swim but you'll sit and watch the younger ones if within are any?

What causes gas?

Yes you can, but whip it out and get a fresh one past and afterwards.

Why do I see total black after standing up from a sqauting position ?

just dye all the wet red and have an impulsive halloween party or something

I don't be aware of well what could be wrong?

Oh yeah you can! basically make sure you metamorphosis it frequently! I wear a tampon when I swim, it helps if you can purchase tampax sports (they're a bit more flexible if you move fast within the water). You'll be fine though, that's what tampons were designed for!

Tubes tied?

Yes you can wear a tampon while swimming. Make sure to wear simply the absorbency that you need and vary right before going.

Where can i find a pap smear thats free and confidential?

Yea, I wear one when swimming or anyother activity!
The tampon blocks the blood from seep through!

What do you think something like Phone sex? is it as exciting as masturbation?

Of course you can! I feel i.e. the reason they be invented:)

Could I be pregnant?

Yes, you can go swimming beside a tampon.

Period scheduale??

Yes you can go swimming. They other show it on the ads! Go to the bathroom and adjust it as soon as you get out of the marine to

What is the feminine version of viagra - i other wanted to know !?

yes you can wear a tampon when you swim. They are highly comfortable and no one will ever know you are wearing one unless you report to them...and of course save the string tucked in your suit sounds gross, but I've seen it come about!

Is this normal i'm 15.?

yes you can deff wear a tampon while swimming. I have the same confusion a few years subsidise when i was a kid at military camp. but yep yep yep go swimming!

Plan B ?

Yes you can wear a tampon while swimming. Use a trial one before going in and be sure to insert it properly. Make sure the one you choose fits your flow for that time. Also, regulation it immediately after disappearing the water. you don't want to enjoy any problems from any water it may occupy. Tampons are generally undamaging to wear during most activities. RN

Why are boys afread to chat to me?

yea of course

Is this majority?

"Can my daughter swim when wearing the tampon?

Yes, your daughter can go for a swim when wearing a tampon, which is why tampons are such a blessing if she is a regular swimmer or if you are on a holiday where on earth you have access to the shore or a swimming pool. Your daughter will not need to miss out on the fun freshly because she has her extent. In fact she can shower, go swimming and urinate without have to remove the tampon."

Missed period.but get it again this month..HELP!?

yes, tampons are great for that, just don't agree to the string hang out of your bikini. The trick is to tuck the string between your labia minora and labia majora

I come up with I may have Menopause?


Roughly how much?

Of course you can. of late check on it from time to time and tuck the string in. You don't want it want falling out of you your swim suit.

Questions about UTIs, test, and STDs..?

Of course you can. Just make sure you tuck within the string so it does not fall out of your bathing suit and tuning it a few times a day. Have Fun Swimming!

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