Does anyone else pull out their coat and pick at any bump on their skin?
Hi, I enjoy been suffering from matching symptoms for over 10 years, I'm 22 now and aspiration I knew how to stop it too. I suffer from follower compulsive disorder and that is why I am compelled to do these things to myself. The crazy slice is that I pick and pull at myself to rid myself of perceived imperfection, but of course, contained by doing this I am actually creating sores which are far worse than anything I see in your mind`s eye to be wrong. I wish you the best of luck within dealing with this nightmare problem and hope we both bring better. Good luck and feel free to email me OK.
Are the doctors treating her correctly?
Ew. No.This sounds resembling OCD. My relative had this and her symptoms be similar to these. She also cut herself, and when asked why, it was not because she be stressed or depressed, it was because she feel she needed something to pick at. I would go see a doctor.
Can we do sex at the time of mensus?
Talk to your dr. This is an OCD article. There are meds and therapies that may back.If you're anything close to me, you probably want more than anything to have a nickname for it.
The hair point sounds like trichotillomania and the skin picking is dermatillomania.
The picking is probably what you should focus more spirit into, since it seems worse and it go undiagnosed because doctors don't know about it.
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