I've been getting this sticky white stuff in my underwhere. I'm 11 1/2, and I basically started getting it a month or so ago. ( I know all in the region of periods and stuff so don't chat to me like for a while kid) I have pubic spine, and I wear a size b cup. I'm pretty much developed. [never had a extent before though]


I own asked this before on another story, but I have some more details

* I can singular see it on dark colored underwhere
* It appears to be a clear fluid at first then turns white as it dries.

Does this be a sign of I'm gonna get my length soon?

What is the cheapest way (in Canada) to purchase a menstrual cup (i.e. Diva Cup, Moon Cup, or Keeper)?

It's ordinary vaginal discharge/secretions...your vagina naturally cleans itself and this is a product of that. It's completely middle-of-the-road.
In addition, at hand is a cervical mucus but is not necessarily the same as what you are experiencing. Cervical mucus occur during periods of fertility and for a moment later within life.

How long as it be since your last checkup?

Yes, you probably will. This is the vagina's bearing of keeping it self clean. Perfectly common.

What is an orgasum?!?

Yeah, it's vaginal discharge. I think I get that about a year earlier my first period. You'll obtain it soon.

Is it unsafe to masturbate 3 days after your period have ended?

Yes this is dischsrge i have discharge for 1 year and a bit then i get my period 2 days ago .

He's really big. What do I do?

It's basically discharge. It's usually normal as long as here's no odor, funny coloring, or unusual consistency (lumpy like cottage cheese). It probably manner your period is right around the corner. No stipulation to worry around it.

My back hurts?

Sometimes it's resembling a warning that you'll start.
Discharge is toatlly nornal. If it turns yellowish or greenish, and have a smell, you need to be in motion the doctor.
Clear or white with no smell, you're fine.

Whats wrong near me?

Girl talk to your Mom for god sake. You probably have a yeast infection.. Gross.

Why do i hold on to getting sharp pains in my pelvic area around my ovaries?

First show your mom. Then ask to turn see a doctor. Maybe the doctor can see what the white stuff means.

Whats goin on ?

Dont verbs that is completely middle-of-the-road. Its just discharge. All woman hold it. But you arent neccesarily going to start your period soon. I have discharge for 2 years before i started mine. Good luck and dont verbs!

Heart Palpitations and the birth control pill?

Oh, that's just a discharge. Don't verbs about it. And you'll probably receive your period contained by like a year or two.

Im a 12 and 4'10 soaring girl how tall do you judge I'll be when I finish growing?

word if advice im not going to address to you like for a time kid, but you are a little kid a VERY little kid. no offense but you stipulation to get bad the internet and ask an adult. dont put it out contained by the open.your not even antiquated enough to enjoy yahoo email..

Vaginal discharge?

Yes, that is merely what is going on. Your body is forming female hormones that allow that discharge to form, clear at first, flaky and whitish when dried.

It may embezzle up to 3 months for the actual menarche (first period) to begin, so remember to pack a wad when you start school.

How come when I stretch I be aware of like Im almost to have an orgasm?

Hi rose

It's immensely possible you're going to get your term soon. Usually white discharge is a good indicator that your insides are starting to function.

You can wear a panty liner so your underwear don't take all soiled, that's usually what I hold to do for a week before my spell.

Welcome to womanhood!

I have be getting dizzy and sick lately, i am not pregnant, so i just dont take in why this is not going?

yes it is normal u will should win it soon

Stretch marks and coco butter?

either are going to receive your period soon, or you own a yeast infection, talk to your mom and ask her when she get her period. usually girls capture it around the same time within a family. I own the same item when im about to start my interval.

If you got pure bigger boobs, can they cause you frequent fund pains ?

ur just approaching me exept im def not develop im a32 not big at all lol

ur def getting it is typical

Need help please?


I saw Celrase feature on The Morning Show' today with Heather Locklear. Is it a one month supply or smaller number?

It means you own normal, vaginal discharge only just like any other girl.

Your body is constantly expelling vaginal discharge, because it's purpose is to verbs the vagina. It doesn't necessarily mean that you will acquire your first period soon.

If your discharge stays clear/white, you hold nothing to verbs about. When it starts to become ashen or greenish and becomes chunky or starts to smell fishy, you have need of to see a doctor because you probably have an infection that have need of to be treated by antibiotics.

If the discharge bothers you, you can wear a pantyliner, which are available anywhere you can find any other feminine hygiene product.

How do i know if my hymen is not torned yet?

It is lubrication. Basically it let you walk lacking chaffing, or dull pain. It does come with puberty. If it is bothering you use extra slim panty liner and change them every 3 hours. It is ordinary, but can be hard getting used to. Good luck.

Girls Only?

it's not the vagina keeping itself verbs, it's cervical mucus. You start producing it when you start producing the hormone estrogen, and you usually start producing it about a year or so since your first period. If it be your vagina cleaning itself you would have get it when you were similar to 5, 6, 7, 8 etc... you didn't just become drastically dirty all of a sudden did you? no, it have to do with hormones and puberty.

If you want to read more in the order of cervical mucus read here.

Girls only please..?

it discharge and you will obtain your period soon

Can somebody direction some good tips or exercise to produce my female portion as same as it was on first dark?

it is called discharge everything will be ok it's commonplace

Free birth control pills?

yup, like mother approaching daughther

What are some "low-impact" jobs for a woman whos within her late 40's?

Don't verbs its just discharge its sooo commonplace for ur age Im 11 and i got it 2.. dont verbs 0k? And ur probaly going 2 start in a year... so be ready

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