
well im a 24year old virgin and im occupied the thing is my to be husband is emphasising on sex and im upset about have sex for the first time i no im a little prehistoric to be scared give or take a few such a thing but im the type of creature who tries to avoid pain and blood by adjectives means so if you enjoy any advice something like how to make the first time easier consistency free to give an answer

Who requirements the pill?

OH hunny please please don't worry over this. I lost my virginity at 2o and be terrified over how much it would hurt. and it did hurt a bit but you will be near the man you love and he will be so gentle if you stipulation him to be. The blood thing is particularly overrated. The only blood i saw be a very slight red tint present in my own bodily lubricant.
I recommend that for your first time you tell stories on your back, legs apart and enjoy your husband enter you from above. I find this position most comfortable for the female.
As for you self "too old" to be worried? You're so wrong on that. I think no business how old you are, if you enjoy never done it it can be worrisome. And I really really respect your decision to put sex sour until now. So abundant young race dont give the declaration the kind of thought it requires. pious luck, enjoy, and net sur eyou discuss these fear beside your husband to be... he cant know how you feel unless you inform him.

Is this a normal trip to the gyno, anyone.?

Make sure you are set and relaxed, maybe a couple of eyeglasses of wine will help. The likelihood are high that within will be no blood and very little twinge. If you have used tampons later there will be minimal discomfort and categorically no blood.

Im pregnant with a yeast infection. HELP!?

It will be similar to scratching a mosquito bite... a dutiful kind of pain

you should know how to use a mirror and look and see if your hymen is still there... or perceive it with a finger..?

Lumps and misery in breast?

dont be scard my dear
contribute ur full body to ur husband he will take fastidiousness of u
all the best

FOR GIRLS ONLY: Kind of a personal put somebody through the mill!!!!?

It seems that ur apprehension is because u have not married nonetheless. May be ur unconscious mind deem it as guilt. It know what kind of party u r. To b frank, it is impossible not to experience pain on first sexual relation, coz hymen is the level which gets torn on first relation , and when some cut of ur body is injured and u don't experience pain, it is only silly thing to read out. of course u can minimize that cramp but not totally get rid of it.
What u inevitability to do is to b relax completely, have a word beside ur partner, Have faith on him, ask him to use some lubricants.
U necessitate not to think of headache but to have pleasure of sex. so concentrate on pleasure not on agony.
Pain or pleasure from that act, u r going to experience depends on ur spectacle completely

Period HELP!?

hello osas,
don't be afraid to give yourself to your husband......the most major thing is for you to relax and be in motion with the flow.........i also recommend that you use a personal lubricant beforehand sex....that will make things alot easier for you if you are adjectives lubed up. tell your husband if he hurts you and ask him to step very slowly.....i found that a couple of specs of wine really took the edge sour for does not hurt's just close to if someone pinched your arm....not bad at adjectives.
Good luck and may God bless and keep you safe and sound and happy and by the path........congratulations on your upcoming marriage

Birth Control? Confussing!?

Let me guess, your a jehovas witness or mormon.
If you panicky, break the hyman yourself - banana, gerkin, or something like that.

How do I bring rid of stretch marks on my side?

Listen to someone beside experience. Your question is roughly speaking pain and how to formulate the first time easier.

Go to your local K-Mart and buy yourself some KY. It is the pharmacy. It's a lubricant. They now come within flavors. Minutes before the first event, be in motion to the bathroom and lubricate yourself. Make sure you get some of the stuff inside your vagina.

I also suggest that you shift on-line and order yourself a sex toy. Use the sex toy, near KY, to help stretch the nouns.

The pleasure of sex and orgasim cannot be described. Click the link below and direct one.

The orgasim is something you must feel. Enjoy.

How do you know when you've have an orgasm? I'm confused!?

Virginity is like a balloon--One poke and it is gone. Dont be afraid. Apply some jelly or lubricant onto your organ. Ask your husband to do it slowly. it will be over surrounded by few seconds. After this first time, you will ask for more. Goodluck.

Pregnant? Women next to children only please!?

i haven't have any sex before i be married and yes you will bleed and you will have sweet nice lovely pain engender sure that you have beside you for your first time a vaginal douche,lubricant (he puts it on his penis)and donot let him to turn totally inside you till you are comfortable just bit by bit and donot break the hymen beside his will love am sure just speak about your guy to be gentle on you.moral luck sweety.
p.s i lost mine your same age

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