Need give support to please?

ok well im trying to see which birth conrol would work for me ive be on the pill and im so busy i forget to take it sometimes and honestly i dont wanna wrapping up up preg jus cuz i forgot it one day so anyways im on the shot presently and ive heard some pretty fearsome things and honestly have have a couple happen so if anyone know any other types of birth control id dearly appreciate it if you could kinda inlighten me on it my subsequent appointment is next month sometimes and i plan on not continueing the shot! so please give a hand!

I just turned 30, have my tubes tied and my boy fnd had a vasectomy. i am lactatingwhy?

First of adjectives you should talk to your doctor because they will know what is best beside you. But there are patch that you would put on your abdomen for three weeks surrounded by a month, or there is a nuva ring that you insert inside you for three weeks in a month and you don't get the impression and still can have intercourse. There are IUDs but in that are a lot of side effects that be in motion along with it.

I am 19 and hold thyroid.Can i go for 30 min saunter everyday to lose my weight since i weigh 63kg.?

IUD is sheltered these days

Is it true roughly speaking wearing bras??(see inside)?

Condoms? An IUD?

Seriouslyy killing me.?

The pill is complicated to remember. Do you go to bed at a sure time? Maybe you could leave your pills on your nightstand and that will remind you. When I first started the pill I wore a examine and set it to beep at 7:30pm everyday to remind me. Theres little things you can do to remember. Maybe even hold a calendar where you check it past its sell-by date everyday but keep the calendar somewhere you'll see it everyday.

There's other the patch too. But that may be a little harder because you enjoy to change it once a week.

And near is an IUD. But they're meant for a long possession protection.. about 5-10 years. And its not appropriate to have one unless you've already have a child. If you haven't given birth before the risks of it falling out or moving are difficult.

Or you could always use a condom. They're not too expensive and it's not something you can really forget.

Talk to your doctor. He/she know your medical history and will know whats best for you.

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