Does any one know girls called Louise that are not so slim?

I dont wish to insult anyone`s mass its something i`ve noticed

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Well actually i know a Louise really well(wink) and shes slim also

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The only Louise I am familar near is Louise from the Jeffersons and she was a full figure woman. LOL!

Girls only!?

I know two and they're both slim.

I save on sweating alot and really bad for a woman. I want to know why i do it so much.?

yes i know a louise that is a bit tubby

Does anyone own an idea why i would be bleeding for 25 days,its not norm?

There be one on my school bus and she be a big girl.

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I know Louise's that are both slim and full figured. But it's a apt question, get me thinking!

Omg im scared what should i do?

As they are given their baptize when they are born it does not make sense that they are 'not slim' because of their dub.

Like everyone else answering this question I hold avoided using the dreaded 'F' word.

THINKING of changing from pad to tampons, good notion?

There used to be a girl called Louise that worked for me, she wasn't podginess but about a size 16.

My sister's middle moniker is Louise and she is a size 6/8

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i know a few louises, a few of them are skinny but a healthy skinny and the other louises i know are average

Attention Dr. Keka Mukherjee from U.K,once associated next to Apollo,India.?

My partner & I know a few women called Louise but none of them were/are bigger than a size 12!

I weigh 13 stone should be ashamed?

my cousin is call louise and she is quite big.

strange bump on my vaginal and underarms .?

i know 3...they are adjectives slim/skinny twits !

How do i loose weight hasty?

the only louise I know is not skinny

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