Period...WOMEN ONLY?

i had my first term like just about 3 or 4 months ago...lasted for a week and but i havent gotten it again. i havent had sex or anything..ive neverf even have a boyfriend my friend eden got hers when she be 9 then never have it again until she was resembling 11. is thi normal next to some girls?

Breifs or thong?

To play safe, cooperate to you mom about this. You might want to see your doctor for a checkup to formulate sure everythings ok. Better safe than sorry.

I tried using a tampon a few months ago but it wudnt go in and i feel dizzy afterwards but i rlly need to?

when you are youthful and first starting to menstruate *bleed* it can take up to two years to become a regular *on a schedule* entry

I havent been fancy good for roughly 1 year and 8 months?

yes its normal... It can steal a couple years to get into a middle-of-the-road cycle. dont worry and since u enjoy started though u need to jump get your first pap ans pelvic exam from the doc. They can also answer anymore of your question. Good luck

Im almost 12 and im flatchested what sould i do?

Yes, it is. I had my first one when I be 12 and didn't get the subsequent one until I was 15. I be beginning to devise I was some humane of freak, but it all worked okay and after the first few, regularized. So don't verbs about it. We're adjectives a little bit different, but conventional includes a wide capacity of things.

Can ANY Doctor be Board Certified?

don't know am sure but it could be normal every womans varys from time to time so on't verbs about .

Is it middle-of-the-road to spot 2 weeks after your period if you're not pregnant?

Yep, impeccably normal, the body is a moment ago sorting itself will happen again when it happen and it will settle into a cycle when it is good and primed!

Ladies only!? unless you own a serious answer?

ya why r u worried if that happened to ur friend? Everyone is diffrent...unfortunatley, I havn't gotten a break from period since my first one!

My period started yesterday and the blood is not majority, why?

yes, i got mine once, around 12, and consequently didn't get it again until I be 13. A lot of times it depends on the weight of the being, I was incredibly undernourished, so my periods be not always on programme. Also if you are very influential, it can delay your time of year. As long as nothing hurts, or feel wrong, you should be fine.

Extremely long, extremely irregular period?

a extent is a sign that your body is ready to bequeath birth, so tell your parents

I`m 13 i don't enjoy my period even so. When do you think i`ll win it? Read all my details please.?

It is fundamentally normal to own irregular periods for the first few years. Even after that some women never hold regular cycles. Your cycle will regulate itself naturally as you grow up and by the time you are almost 18, you should become regular. Now, you should go to the gynecologist for your first call on in the subsequent couple of years or sooner if you wish to be intimate next to a boyfriend (my advice would be to linger until you're married).

How do u get rid of thoes little red bumps thashow up after you shave your "Downstairs"?

yep bc ur goin thru puberty n sometimes ull go and get it then it will not come stern for a few months. then it will come hindmost hard. but its average

What does it mean when you bring white hairs?

Yes, i.e. normal. It can help yourself to a couple of years for them to regulate properly.

Lithium..what is it!!?

Girls usually for one week then subsequent month they get it again by alike time.

Taking Hydroxycut?

I first got it at 13, after didn't get it again till close to 15 and it was really irregular, approaching 9 periods surrounded by 3 years.

Birth control will fix your schedule, although most doctors recommend waiting a year after your first extent before doing anything, because it's pretty normal.

Is it possible to acquire pregnate 5 days after sex ?

Yes. I got mine at 13. It stopped at age 14 for roughly speaking a year. I went to the doctor and this is middle-of-the-road. Sometimes, it will quit for different reasons. Sometimes if you are lower than a lot of stress or you are doing profoundly of strenuous activities, it will stop. At the time mine stopped, I be really stressed out. If you are worried still, go see your doctor. I don't have an idea that you have anything to verbs about though...


That is completely average. It takes awhile for the cycle to straighten itself out.


when i first get my period around 2 years ago,, the same item happened to me. i get my period on febuary 25, that be my first time ever.. then i didnt receive it for 2 months. usually when a girl starts her cycle, her periods are irregular because your body is unused to have period. but once a year passes by, you'll obtain it monthly.. and your body then get used to the cycle..dont take birthcontrol or anything, ur body nows what to do by itself..
dont verbs you'll be fine...

I'm scared i hold three boys and they are young and not a soul to take attention to detail of the kids i want more kids later.


Does taking THE PILL minister to control moody hormones? A website that explains that?

Don't worry, it is totally middle-of-the-road. A girl's period is normally irregular for the first year or two after the onset of menstruation. I get mine when I was 12 and it be pretty irregular for a while, I'm almost 20 and now it comes approaching clockwork. Don't worry, your body will work out it's own rota eventually!

Could I be pregnant?

Don't let inhabitants scare you by relating you to go to the doctor. Going to the doctor for irregularity is unnessasary.Your period are still irregualar, which means they can be impulsive some months, late the subsequent, or you might not even have it at adjectives for a month or two. Almost all girl's period are irregualar, and can take up to a year or so to regulate. Don't tolerate those people panic you, but then again, it's not usual to not have it for years. Please go and get this checked if your period doesn't show up for years close to you said your friend's did. THAT is unhealthy and vehicle there may be something wrong. Talk to your mom or doctor to find out more roughly speaking what's normal contained by terms of dealing beside and having irregular period. Hope I helped, and Good Luck!

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