Does taking THE PILL assistance control moody hormones? A website that explains that?


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Yaz has be helping alleviate PMDD for many women, including myself. PMDD is premenstrual dysphoric disorder, the most severe type of PMS... it's pretty much PMS times a million. I be actually suicidal every month due to the PMDD.

I have a severe case of PPD (postpartum depression) after my daughter be born, then the PMDD cropped up. The meds I be on for the PPD never even remotely touched the PMDD, so it was a double whammy for me.

I started taking Yaz birth control put a bet on in October, and since afterwards, haven't taken any other meds, other than an occasional Ativan and my day by day Synthroid (for hypothyroidism). The Yaz literally saved my go.

For some women, though, there are absolute bcp's that will make them unbelievably moody. After my son (now 8) was born, I tried three different pills, and this be way back the PMDD came roughly speaking. I had minor PMS stern then. The pills I tried be horrible, they caused such severe moodiness.

Everyone is different. Normally near is a need to try a pill and consequently switch a few times if necessary.

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Some might, I know a girl whose moods became much worse on the pill.

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i still have deeply bad mood spells next to PMS on the Pill. the only entity that the pill helped be having shorter period, and no cramps.

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Here are a few links ...There have be studies done on this ubject...but varying opinions.

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I believe it's probably different for everyone. I was for a while moody during PMS before the Pill, but once I get on the Pill I became an excited wreck! I had severe signs of depression. it be hell. I had to stop taking it

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