Question almost tampons?

I'm nervous to start using tampons, but I want to because of all the sports I play. Does anyone own any advice on how to over come the fear? Also, would it be strange or awkward to bargain to my doctor about this (I have to progress for a physical soon)? And how could I bring this subject up with my doctor? I'm shy with this sort of stuff. Thank you!

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don't be shy to ask your doctor anything, specifically what they are there for. Every girl is nervous the first time though...i have a sneaking suspicion that you will find you like them better than pads when it comes to sports! I welcome the change, when I played softball, pads be obvious to see when you wear white ball pant!

I will suggest gentle glide playtex challenging any tampax...I am 32 and find tampax uncomfortable to this day! they are bigger too!

Estroven? at my age?

Okay, tampons are brashness racking. They're kind of scary. The first article you should do is get the smallest size, because it's your first time. Then I reccommend talking to your mom, or buying the book "The Care And Keeping Of You" it's an American Girl book, but it's awfully, very helpful. It shows you how to put the actual tampon contained by, and how to deal with cramps and stuff. To assist you overcome the fear, i reccommend just thinking that every woman uses tampons at some point during their enthusiasm, and it's perfectly natural, and it's not going to hurt you or anything. I don't suppose it would be awkward to talk to your doctor about it. If you looked-for to bring it up I would just bring it up when they talk going on for periods... usually they'll ask you when your last length was or something like that. Don't be scared, they're totally professionals and it's completely natural.

Hyperextension within the legs?

the best way to start is to buy the smallest top extension tampons with a silky cover, but I always found it compulsory to wear pads too, and I dance and used to do Karate. There are extraordinarily thin pads that work incredibly well, they are not visible through clothing, or you can other wear an extra pair of undies, the extra warmth also help with cramps.

When do you deduce my subsequent time is due or do you meditate i own an irregular cycle?

dont worry almost, it is nateral, basically every single girl goes through this within their lives. Your doctor is not going to luagh at you or make you feel embarrased, he is trained contained by helping you with these things i dont think that he would be unprofessional, dont verbs i went through the exact same thing your going through, but remeber your not the lone girl going through this. You could always ask your girly friends for advice !
Anyway, hope everything go well.

Am I adjectives myself?

You could try researching a little on the web, maybe find some tips from other teens?
Or you could speak to your doctor about it, it might be somewhat uncomfortable, but at least they'll enlighten you what to know, and help you get the right ones for you =]

Btw appreciation for answering my drawing question x

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sorry i dont use them

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