What do you (and the doctor) do during a gynecologist appointment?

I have never see a gynecologist so far, but I know that women often surface reluctant to see them.

Could you describe a gynecologist appointment with as detail as possible, so that I can read between the lines why gynecologists "are not loved as much as hairdressers" by women?.(Pardon my cynism...)

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most doctors now want to introduce themselves to you until that time you undress. They come in and ask if you own any questions and what brought you to them. He will check out of the room for you to get undressed. you fabrication in stirrups next to legs open and the nurse does shine a table lamp on your vagina and puts a blanket over your lap. MD comes contained by and usually does a breast exam. Pay close attention to this because you should do this yourself every month..After breast exam he will examine your cervix. He will insert a speculmn which opens the vagina to him so that he can see your cervix. He will scape a few cell from your cervix and send to lab. He will remove speculm and check you rectally also.
I enjoy been going for years and the end part still get to me...

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They proke & prod you & sometimes they aren't too soft, but most are professionals and know what they are doing & how to do it well. Don't verbs.
Gynecologists don't tease nor fix your fuzz.

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When I go to my first gyn appointment, I was timid. But before I go my sister told me what to expect.
Basically, they give you a breast exam and put in the picture you that you need to check them yourself.
But the fragment that you are nervous just about is the part where on earth they have you spread your legs and they put a metal entry up there and they homily you through it, but the part that everyone hate is the fact that someone is looking up you vagina, its kinda grotesque, but you have zilch to worry roughly speaking.

Help a 16 yr old girl plz !?


this might serve

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they essentially ask you to get undressed and wear gown (or a moment ago get undressed waist down) they put your legs up on the stirrups WIDE begin and they shine a light on the vagina. The Doctor puts in 2 fingers to grain your uterus to check for cysts anything abnormal etc, if he/she perform a papsmear then have a tool used to scrap your inside to collect a taste to check for abnormal cell (cancer etc..) it is sent to the lab. They feel your breasts also for lumps and cysts. Thats pretty much it :)

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My visits might change, because I didn't start going until I got pregnant. First you acquire your blood pressure and weight, after you go pee surrounded by a cup, then progress to your exam room. If he has to check you down near, then you draw from a paper towel vest and a "blanket" which is also made of rag towel. I don't like have to put my feet contained by those holster things, but it's just doesn`t matter what. He's never down there long, a pap smear take 2 seconds and so does a strep theory test, those are the only ones I've ever have.

I don't know why women don't like going, my obgyn is a nice elder guy, really experienced and into babies.

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Your relationship beside your nurse practitioner or doctor will establish your comfort level. If your healthcare provider is professional and compassionate an internal exam should be relatively non eventful.

The call on includes a general spoken description of why you are having the exam, you put on a gown, and the condition care provider will examine your breast for abnormality and show you how to check yourself. An internal exam is not painful unless you enjoy an infection (then it may or may not cause discomfort) or other medical problem that make the exam more difficult.

If you feel intimidated or only uncomfortable near a health consideration provider you may want to confront that person and ask for suggestions of how to resolve this concern. If you are not competent to confront the problem or feel dissatisfied after discussing your foreboding, you should seek out a different provider. You are entitled to respect when seeking form care!

PS: Usually women own a good relationship next to their provider that has uncap communication and mutual respect.

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