Do i hold an infection?

i have be discharging a clear mucus type substance lately and i was thinking it would dance away after a couple of days but it hasn't and even after my period it come back is this a sign of an infection. should i move about see a doctor?

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It sounds like this is a brand new symptom for you?!
Women do have a discharge which is clear & can own different consistency depending where you are surrounded by your cycle. It could be that your just shedding cell from your vagina but if your concerned make an apt. next to your doc.
Common to all women, common vaginal secretions comfort vaginas stay healthy by regularly flushing them out and maintain their normally bitter environment. Healthy vaginal juices can enjoy a mild scent, or no aroma at all, and can be:
Clear or milky white when moist
Yellowish surrounded by color when dried
Mucus-like or stringy in consistency
during mid-cycle, when ovulation occurs
when sexually aroused
during pregnancy
when using birth control pills
*Some women sniff, and even sample, their vaginal juice to reassure themselves that they are okay. This self-check can also be useful -- familiarize yourself with how you usually smell or taste at sundry times of the month can help you to identify when your scent or flavor is sour.
*One common sign of a vaginal infection is exceptional discharge, noted by any changes surrounded by color, consistency, amount, and/or smell of vaginal secretions that are unlike your mundane monthly changes. Infections are more predictable to occur urgently before and during your term, when the vaginal environment is at its least sharp. Abnormal vaginal discharge can also be accompanied by itching, vaginal glow or soreness, rash, burning sensation when peeing, and/or headache. If you have any of these symptoms, see your robustness care provider for an exam and treatment.

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If it is clear, generate sure it has no filthy odor or burning. If it is bothersome, than call your OBGYN.

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yes, central problem, see doctor ASAP

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That is so not healthy and majority!! You have to be gay contained by order to stop this infection! This is a situation of life and extermination! HURRY!! BE GAY!! GAY LIKE ME!! HOMO SEX RULES, GRRRL!!

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Run to the doctor, OMG that sounds YUCKIE!
The best thing to do is walk see a GYNO/OBGYN as soon as you can. Get all the test and a PAP. Hope it's not serious, GOOD LUCK!

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This sounds more close to a yeast infection. Yes you should contact your doctor.

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its fertility mucus. completely mundane if it doesnt smell or burn. the consistentcy changes as your cycle does.

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-feels close to an intense itching, burning sensation, localized in your vagina and vulva. this itching is not always present, but can bring really bad, so bleak you can hardly pace, let alone ride your bike to the pharmacy or doctor to procure it treated.

- looks like clumpy harsh white stuff. most medical descriptions compare the discharge to ricotta cheese, but it can range from glutinous and not clumpy to faintly ashen to thin and clear.

- smells resembling bread or beer. in reality, it smells pretty much exactly like yeast, although the yeast used contained by brewing and baking is an entirely different species (Saccharomyces cerevisiae). no bacteria could smell approaching that, so it's a great diagnostic.

If you have adjectives these symptoms and advise you to step see your doctor.


If it's clear and there is no itch or unusual smell it's fine. It's your body's natural cleaning and lubricating system. If you consideration a change surrounded by color or a bad smell later see a doctor. You will usually have more mucus when you ovulate and around your time of year.

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Woman readily have a clear to white discharge contstantly throughout the month... if it have a strong odor, is like cottage cheese, you itch, are is extremely fatty. call your OBGYN lately to get it checked. If it's a yeast infection, it is well cureable. Don't worry. Also, in the region of 5 days after your period, you will bring back a clear mucus type substance, which is your ovulation time, and then it will turn white again.

Good Luck.

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