This question is for girls solely. Sorry guys!?

When you had your first interval, who did you tell first if you told anybody at adjectives?

I didn't tell anyone. I figure it wasn't worth the time. The only use my mom found out was because I have to buy more pads after I used adjectives of the ones that she made us carry around for emergency.

Women - Have you ever crushed anything lower than your foot/feet?

I told no one becuase i be kinda embrassed and i know what it was but afterwards when i was 15 my mom be going to take me to the doctor to c what be wrong and i told her then am 16 very soon i got it at 14

On average?

i told joeceppi. (my dog)

Those darn Strechmarks!?

wow that be toooo long ago, and being an one and only child - I might have told one of my friends...

I call for some advice from MATURE women?

i really didn't enlighten nobody my mom told my

Any other surrogates?

I told my best friend... my mom found out 6 months after i started.

My Mirena coil is due for replacement but the Dr can't acquire it out! How long overdue can it go ?

i told my mom

How Do i return with skinny?

I wrote a letter to my cousin asking her how she told her mom. My mom found the missive. She was only just as uncomfortable as I be. Now that I look back, it be funny.

Birth control -- moody?

i told my mom like 5 minutes after finding out myself

Brown spots?

of corse i told my mom!
no indignation but why wouldnt you?
there are SO copious questions i have that i asked her and she knew everything
but i made her promise not to relate my dad or any of my sibs
i also told my two bffs but their like my sisters
we relay each other everything!

How do i produce and avate/picute change?

frist human being
My mom

VD and bladder discomfort?!?!?

i told my moms friend that was living beside us at the time... she was the individual person home

A cross-question about breast size and implant. Any thoughts?

I told my mom first.. i mean she would own found out anyway, and being an solely child myself, she would have notice!

I am 26 and i am so emotional watchin?

I told my Mum, I told her not to say aloud anything to anyone (e.g. Relatives, her friends) sure enough the subsequent day every on KNEW !

You can see my vein?

I remember it well. I be so upset and scared at first. It be the summer I turned 12. I called my sister at work within tears. I didn't expect her to but, she left work precipitate to rush home. She had stopped at the store and have picked up tampons, pads and stuff to fix for lunch. She fixed us some lunch and we sit and talked around the different personal items and how to use them. She was so wonderful, humanitarian, open and comforting. What started out to be a really upsetting and fear-provoking time ended up to be a totally special time in my duration all because of my sister!

Is it anomalous to wear a pad every light of day..?

I told my mom.
I thought that she would be the best person for answering adjectives my related questions. And anyways, getting period is quite inbred phase of life.

I'm 19 years out-of-date and im 5'7 with a 3 month oldI shipment 135 but, im breastfeeding. Is that healty?

I was at my friends house so I have to tell her to enlighten her mom and then some how her dad and brother found out. To bring in things more embarrassing I be a really late bloomer so I have lied and told her I had already started so I didn't perceive left out and when it be really obvious that this have never happened beforehand she totally called me on my pull the wool over your eyes.

Can Nuvaring cause my breast to grow? Or Possibly Pregnant?

First my mom know because I had no model what was going on, and afterwards because I was going out that light of day with my bestfriend I told her. But my mom told my household. That made me want to crawl into a whole. He he he

Can stress bring endometriosis to flair up?

I told my best friend and then my mom. I don't agree that it isn't worth the time, i.e. a very earth-shattering event in a females existence. I think more moms should sort it a time to educate too--respect that body and never permit anyone abuse it or use it contained by a negative opening.

Have anyone tried this for stretch marks?

i call my mom because i didn't really know what was going on.
so she found out first.

What will the doc check at a regular checkup at 11years weak?

i was in truth at school during p.e
ahhhhhhhhhh i be running around and i found my best friend who only used tampons and so i have to use toliet paper
and i called my mom to come gain me and my other friend had a wipe she gave to me
i be sooooo embarrased

it was pretty bleak cuz that was other my fear

I've never have this before.?

told my best friend, i be at her house when i started. friends come in handy when they are needed!

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