I have Polycystic Ovaries (PCOS) What manner of diet is best for me?

I need to lose freight and because of PCOS I am gaining so much shipment that it scares me to look surrounded by the mirror.

I have be having a interval but this month it's very frothy & spotted for about 4 days next. What could it be?

You have chubbiness and insulin resistant diabetes mellitus. Avoid oil, podgy, butter, margarine, sugar and starch. Eat vegetables growing over the earth, not below the earth. Take plenty of roughage and water. Eat unharmed wheat bread and bran. Avoid desserts and sweets. Use a sugar substitute. Avoid salt. Do not put in salt to foods at the table. Try count lemon juice instead.

Is 7 inches ok?

best to ask your OBGYN

What is tss?

I have PCOS and the only treatment be surgery. Diet will not cure them.

Does this mean I get her knocked up?

I don't hold PCOS but when I was looking into Low carb diets a few things be mentioned about women next to PCOS having nouns with them.

This also say that controlling insulin levels (low carb does) may minister to with PCOS

And here is a Yahoo support group for it so you can ask others within your same situation...

Where do they inject this shot?

You may need to be on Metformin or something for insulin resistance. I recommend you seeing a Reproductive Endocrinologist to lend a hand you with PCOS. (It sucks.. I know!)

As for diet, it's recommended elevated protein low carb low sugar. www.pcosupport.org is a fantastic website.

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