I need some suggestion from MATURE women?

I'm 16 years old and I've be with my boyfriend presently for over a year. He's 17, and a while back he needed to start having sex, but we approved to wait until I turned 16. Anyway, I'm 16 in a minute, and he wants to move things forward, but I'm a moment or two scared in the order of it to be honest - some of my friends who have already have sex said that it hurts at first and that you bleed afterwards. We have already done moderately a lot of other stuff together, oral sex and stuff close to that, but I'm just worried that this is going to hurt.

Is there anything we can do to take home it not hurt the first time? Does anyone have any counsel or tips they can give me almost the first time?

First Time?

You're a little to immature to start having sex.but I can't really enunciate anything. My first time was at 16. Okay-so when he inserts his penis inside of you, if it hurts (and it most potential will because your vaginal muscles haven't been stretched that far yet)--tell him to steal it slow at first. After a while the pain should be in motion away, and then you can soak up the experience. However!! If you're still feeling some twinge, tell your bf to stop promptly...and then linger a couple of days and try again.

If your first time doesn't exactly turn out to be as romantic as you expected, it's okay. First time sex, you don't really know what to expect-so the first FIRST time isn't that great sometimes.

Goodluck sweety. Make sure you and your bf use a condom. Every Time!!

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It doesn't other hurt- one thing is to form sure there is adequate foreplay- or use artificial lubrication. Also, go slow- no want to rush it.
That being said- if you arent geared up and your boyfriend wont accept that after he doesnt really love you and you are better off short him.
I am 25 and lost my virginity early contained by life- trust me it isnt all its cracked up to be... I preference I had waited-

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Well you could "stretch" your vagina out beforehand.. some girls break their hymen way past sex anyway for various reason.. beyond that.. I dunno.

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if your unawares, don't do it! if he loves like he say...he will wait until you are arranged..not until you are a certain age! it is a remarkably precious time..and you won't realize it until later within life! so continue till you are ready emotionally and physically!! which at 16..your neither! flawless luck to you!

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Are you worried because you think it's going to hurt, or are you anxious because it's a big decision?

If you are terrified because it might hurt, there's nought you can really do to make it hurt smaller amount. It doesn't hurt for everyone, if you have have manual sex or use tampons, it shouldn't hurt frightful. If you relax and are caught up surrounded by the moment, then it shouldn't hurt. But if you are distraught or unsure about whether you in actual fact want to have sex, after it may hurt.

If you are scared for other reason, just inform your boyfriend. You have be together for a long time, so it appears that it isn't about sex. He should apprehend!!

Please be safe contained by whatever you prefer.

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I have never met a woman contained by my life who said "I desire that I had have sex at a younger age" If he pulls that old rank "If you love me you'd do it" Answer " If you loved me you'd wait."

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If you are scared, you should hang about. If he wants to move forward and you are untrained, then you should really continue and he should move on. But if you must, jump see an ob/gyn to get some proper warning.

For old academy advice: Lubricate!! Lubricate!! And purloin it very, enormously very slow. The more stimulated you are, the more impressionable you will be to receive him and you will be less focused on the twinge.

Don't go by what your friends read aloud. Everyone first sexual experience is different.

Good Luck

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The first time is now and then fun for the girl and if it is his first time also, it will be over quickly. It will hurt at first, because the hymen will hold to be broken, even if it is already broken it will hurt because it needs to be stretched.

That human being said, wait until you know he is the one you want this to occur with. Once you bestow up your virginity, you cannot give it hindmost.

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If you are uncomfortable taking the step afterwards it is more like that you will discern discomfort. I woman has to be relaxed and 'contained by the mood' for her body to properly receive a male. You should probably skulk until you feel powerful nearly your sexuality, in charge of the situation and safe and sound.

What is it !!?

Katie- you should be concentrating on if you really want to go through beside it. Pain shouldnt be an issue and if you are making that as your excuse not to do it then likelihood are that you arent ready. I know that adjectives of your friends are already having sex and its tough one " the virgin" I was surrounded by your same shoes. All of my friends had "older" boyfriends and have all of these stories around how much sex they have have. I was other the one that never had a boyfriend because I wasnt "putting out" I other used the excuse...I dont want it to hurt. Well, I had turned 17 and my extremely first time I had sex I get pregnant. My mom forced me to have an abortion and I imagine about it everytime I own a teenager ask me just about my first time. Its very complicated and emotional and you will realize what I be a sign of when you get elder. Things happen for a source and you should know that it is "your decision" if you choose to have sex. I hope you quality a little better in the region of your decision making. And know that you arent the just one that thinks around it. Goodluck! :)

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