Can Nuvaring incentive my breast to grow? Or Possibly Pregnant?

I just started Nuvaring for the first time the 21st of February. I be told that the first month to use back-up protection (condom or etc) and then the second month I would be completely protected. Well I didn't use back-up protection for something like the first 2 minutes we started having intercourse, later I told him to put a Jimmy on. So we started without, and finished with protection. So in that was no ejaculation contained by me, we did it on the 24th which was 2 days after I finished my time of year. Well I have notice my breast a little bigger or I don`t know sensitive/sore. Is it possible I can be pregnant? are the chances vastly slim? Or could it be the hormones in the nuvaring cause my breast to feel similar to this? considering I had the nuvaring already for a few days and he didn't ejaculate in me and did put on the condom at the double could I be pregnant? Or am I exaggerating?

How do u find?

The chances are impressively slim that you are pregnant. Hormones in any birth control method may result in breast tenderness. When I first started using the pill when I be 18 I went from a small B to a full C. So the hormones can impose change within size too. I wouldn't worry.

This is really crushing for me.?

Chances are slim with any method of birth control, but it is possible. My friend get pregnant on the nuvaring. However, since you just started, likelihood are your body is getting used to the hormones in the ring. Only time will tell.

How long do you exit in your tampon?Girlz solitary?

Hey i took your advice and read your ask, your breast can def grow because of the hormones, but i dont think you would be pregnant because i be once told that birth controls have matching ingredients or whatver you want to call it as a morning after pill singular in highly developed doses, but then again i do devise i read on the package insert to use rear legs up during the first 7 days of starting the ring. hmm... maybe we are both pregnant! lol...possibly that's not really funny though...

For the Women.?

I wouldn't be too worried about self pregnant, I used the NuvaRing for over a year and didn't get pregnant and I wasn't even told to use protection at first. Recently, I was getting dressed and when I looked in the mirror to check if I looked okay I notice red dots all over my chest. I asked my mom (my best friend!) if she saw them or if I be just seeing them because I be wearing a red shirt. She said she saw them and told me to take the ring out. I own had MANY complications from NuvaRing. My time of year comes and goes as it pleases, sometimes I own two month long periods and lately recently the red dots. So anyways, I took out the ring and the dots that turned into hives be gone the next afternoon. Be careful beside the ring. My doctor just kept relating me that my periods be 'normal.' If you own any concerns with it discontinue it.

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