What Is This?

Right I'm having strain in my tummy, I am due on so it could be this. But also it hurts to pee and I'm peeing very little and seriously at the moment. I did have a UTI at one point but it didn't grain like this an d I enjoy been free from it for several months presently. What could this be and is it dangerous?

Also when I enjoy intercourse it hurts and feels close to I have a full bladder when I dont. This sensation also happen just when I'm walking round or sitting similar to now.


I have that same problem. You sound similar to you have a bladder infection. You should progress to the doctor, she will give you some pills to whip for a week and you will be fine! Good Luck!

How long is long is pre and post natal depression?

Go strait to the doctor for that kind of support. DON'T RISK AMATEUR OPINIONS!
Sounds like a doctor might want to run tests.
Could be anything from endomeatriosis to pregnancy.

Could these mood swings organize to..?

make an appt go to dr immediately pls

Im on this new birth controll call Mirena?

visit you Doc lady love.

Why am I peeing so much?

Go to a doctor. It is probably of late a bladder infection.

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