Why am I peeing so much?

I pee all the time! This has be going on for about 2-3 weeks. I go to the doctor's and they did a urine culture, CBC, pregnancy test...the works. They say-so nothing is wrong beside me. No UTI, I am not pregnant and my sugar is excellent. I am currently being treated for Grave's disease, which is underneath control. I saw my specialist for that today who comfimed that peeing had zilch to do with my thyroid. I wake up up about 2-4 times a dark to pee. It doesn't burn or hurt and I have no cramping (except from holding it in) or aching. I am beginning to focus I am just edgy or something and I am thinking about it and making myself pee, but I estimate that sounds stupid. HELP! Does anyone have any concept as to what is going on?

BTW I am 23 yrs. old, I have a kid 2 years ago and I have have 2 UTIs in the concluding 3 months. Before that never had one within my life.

Breast augmentation?

Detruser instability can bequeath you the urge to pee constantly with solitary a small amount in your bladder.
Your detruser controls the urge to urinate when it is time. When it become unstable theurge comes all the time.
It a business of retraining yourself.
A Continance Nurse is very compassionate with frequent urination.


Has your doctor considered interstitial cystitis? It can result in frequent urination. I have have it, and it happened after I have a few UTI's. I think what happen is that the bladder lining get irritated from the infections, and then the body starts to attack the vein that is underneath the bladder inside layer. Not all doctors are comfortable with it, and not adjectives urologists, either. But it does exist, it is treatable, and you can find out more give or take a few it in the sources below. Good luck, and I hope you can win some relief.

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