I hold of late started Yaz BC and intuition overly sensitive - hysterical did this come about to you too?
Is she going through menopause?
Yaz almost kill me. Be careful, it's poison.It's great for women who truly have PMDD but for anyone else, it usually have toxic effects.
If the ortho tri didn't work, how about ortho cyclen lo. It only have 2 different pills instead of 3 and the hormone levels are much lower. I couldn't tolerate ortho tri.
Before considering the IUD, make sure you're not allergic to copper. It's exceptional so docs don't bother to test, but it can kill you if you are.
Anyone given birth at Piedmont Hospital within Atlanta, Ga?
I'm exciting, I was wondering why and now that you mention it, it started around the time I started taking YAZ.Where own you read about women getting pregnant on it?
Yeah I was a ***** when I first statred using it too but after in the region of a month I was fine. I don't want babies so I use a condom too.
Have you ever gone to someones house and?
Tubal pregnancy newly have surgery?
Y do boys resembling girls to shave here pubic pelt past its sell-by date?
Has this happen to anyone?