... My Vagina?

ok, i have some crotch issues... my crotch is other damp, discharging close to and it smells... even when i right out of the shower. what could this be? i am trying to get within to see my dr. this week but sorta want some tips or a heads up, gratitude.

Is a 24 yr old woman frail enough to own a hysterectomy?

Vaginas are self cleaning. They're always producing discharge of some sort organized to flush out bacteria and things that don't belong in them. Much similar to your nose continually produces mucous, so does your vagina produce discharge. And they all do smell similar to vagina, not flowers or peaches or anything like that. It's significant to know what's normal for your vagina, so that you're aware of when it change, because those changes can indicate infections or other problems.

When the symmetry of good and discouraging bacteria are not right, infections start. You don't talk going on for what kind of smell or discharge you've get, but a very adjectives infection is bacterial vaginosis. BV simply means that perfect and bad germs are out of balance, near too much bad/not enough fitting bacteria sagging out in your vagina right very soon. Common symptoms of BV are thin, runny, sometimes greyish discharge, and a fishy smell, which may get worse after sex.

BV is treated beside antibiotics, either a tablet to be exact swallowed or a cream that is inserted into the vagina.

BV is a outstandingly normal item to experience, it's not from being rank, or sexually active. Women who aren't have sex can get BV too. Using soap inside the vagina, or douching are commonly causes of BV

Yeast infections are also a adjectives cause of change in vaginal discharge, and odor. Yeast infections are normally accompanied by flush and itching, as well as discharge smelling approaching beer or bread, or a clumpy white, sometimes cottage cheese like discharge.

A pop in to your doctor will probably help determine what form of inefection it is, and how to treat it. Feel better soon.

I have not have a period for 1 year im not going through the menopause cos im singular 17 whats wrong with me.?

tips or a head up on what to expect at the dr.?

Ive always wondered, why is breast cancer more commen within women?

you might have an infection.
Go to your doctor asap

Why do females speak not to touch them while they are having an orgasm?

Could be Yeast infection

I own some ? about hernias beside woman.?

eww TMI way to much :-(

Found pea sized lump surrounded by my armpit should I worry? What could it be?

It could purely be an infection treatable with antibiotics.

Pain after intercourse?

might be a bacterial infection or a STD

PLease backing! I'm scared that?

I found out that birth control can lead to those symptoms

Women's bacterial vaginosis?

it's of course candida. see here:

I explored my body a touch and this happened very soon what do i do?

Some women have what you phone call vaginititis and there is pills that you can take for this, it is adjectives. Why don't you try some of the over the counter douches?

Would someone to plz let me know if after laparscopy surgery for endometriosis if it other came support?

Well dampness is average especually when it's hot and when you are close to starting your period. Just wear pantiliners, shower habitually and pat dry the area, later ask Dr. for some advice if you're really concerned. As long as theirs no foul odors I expect you'll be ok. Good luck with this!

Anybody assistance plzzzz?

Discharge with smell sounds approaching some infection - fungal most pro.ly. It won't be anything serious n easily curable, i m sure, 'coz i m a doc. Cheer-up!

Spotting and implantation bleeding?

All vaginas hold a constant moistness and odor to it which is unique to the creature. Most women don't like the style it smells, but most guys do - go numeral. As long as your discharge isn't white, chunky or have a really foul odor, it's your own typical smell that you'll have the rest of your vivacity.

My last time of year was 3 weeks ago and presently Im having strange bleeding in a minute, what could it be?

If it smells fishy you might have Bacterial vaginitis.BV. You should step have it checked out and do not hold sex before you find out what it is, own it treated, and have your partner checked out.

How much discharge is a women supposed to carry? can there be to much or little?

hm sounds fairly interesting, i know many associates who deal near "dampness" issues that's pretty much just intuitive vagina health it's hot down within dark drizzly yadda yadda yadda, but discharge? hm I know that certain antibiotics basis yeast infections but it doesn't itch, maybe your of late getting rid of stuff, I'd have the doc achieve to the bottom of this sounds rather bothersome

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