How long is long is pre and post natal depression?

I would like to know if any out here could give me some examples of these pre and post natal depression and how you overcome it. How long is it roughly?


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I have severe postpartum depression after my now 5 year hoary daughter was born. It last for a very long time, 3 years... and afterwards led to clinical depression.

I be on medication, I went to dream therapy. I did overcome it, finally. It took a lot of work, but as luck would have it I made it through. I was hospitalized at one point.

When you are asking roughly "pre-natal" depression... do you mean depression while pregnant or past coming pregnant? Depression during the pgcy is called antepartum depression... that can ending during the entire pregnancy.

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It depends on your body and lot of other things. You need to speak to your doctor, and explain your condition and he can assist in the proper meds,exercise or time according to your body wants.

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