I started my length a long time ago, and i havent told my mom.?

Idk why but i cant tell my mom.. Im afraid she might consider she is going to loose her little girl or something..

I would try to hide it longer but im kinda worried cus i only just finished one.. and i think i started AGAIN!. after resembling three days... Im not sure though.. I think i never finished..

Please abet. x_X

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speak to your mom.. mothers can help.. adjectives women go threw this.. gossip to her about it.. She probably won't mind.. she might be upset you own kept this for a long time.

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Why don't you articulate to your mum i THINK started my period and explain that it be a few days ago and not a LONG time ago! :) she will be overwhelmed that you can still trust her and will help you through it adjectives. She might have gone through matching thing when she be younger :)

hope this helps

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I didn't tell my mother for nearly two years, and when I did she lately rolled her eyes and said that she'd known adjectives along :)

She might think she's loosing her little girl, but she's achievement a young woman! And that's something for her to be proud of. And remember, adjectives women go through this, so it's completely common and she'll just purloin it in her stride.

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you really call for to talkto a grown up about this sweetie, im sure your mum would be the best personage, she would have be preparing for this and she wont be angry or upset.
it is normal when you first start have periods for them to be a bit out of wak for a while.
if you dont be aware of you can talk to your mum next have you get an aunt or close family friend you can talkto, even your university nurse would be good or a womanly teacher.

try not to be dismayed it is something that happens to every girl, you will be fine

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She know.

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Talk to your mom. She may feel for a time sentimental of you becoming a woman, but she understands more than you realize, and at a time close to this, that's what you need right presently. Sorry to get adjectives Hallmark on you, but you know what I'm saying :o)

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I talk to my mom and she helped me. You really should convey her.

Then what should i do?im just 5'.everybody laugh at me.?

Just tell your mom. She go through the same point.

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