My boyfriend says i hold a mental period every 3 months insecurity tears you cross it!?

Is it P.M.T?


Ok ladiesanyone else get weepy during PMS?

First, yes I am a bloke attempting to answer this. but you'll see why in a min.

Most guys basically don't seem to figure out the idea of period and so don't know why they cause the problems they do. and especially why some are worse thn others. Give a bloke the rush of hormones, coupled next to a serious bout of tummy cramps and you'd either see world time of war 3 kick stale every month, or many men taking a week past its sell-by date to lie surrounded by bed and complain to whoever will listen abou how they are dying!

PMT affects women in many different ways, and as a guy beside alot of girl mates you cram very at a rate of knots when to be around, when not too and how the people close to you are inkling. I don't know how old your boyfriend is, but i`m not imagine he's very develop. So you cry a bit. well he should be in attendance looking out for you if you have a rough time of it. If you consistency insecure, this is usually a symptom of feeling you own something to worry more or less, which again, should be easily calmed if this really isn't a problem.

You also don't mention contained by your question whether you mull over this is true either. To be honest it sounds close to it's become a true statement because he's told you and it's something you're worried about presently. which is going to make things worse. Talk to him is the best process, let him know the best track to support you when you're feeling a bit rough and you'll gain closer and more understanding between you. if he can't do that afterwards he isn't mature adequate for you, and is just going to create you feel even worse every 3 months and convince you you in actuality have a tangible problem, which i don't believe you do.

Good luck

What the??

your boyfriend and you need a private class of dream therapy...
ill be glad to be your psychotherapist.

About Masturbating issue?

first of all dont listen to your boyfriend. men couldnt recognize what we have to walk thourgh even if they tryed.
p.m.t does cause problems but dont agree to it worry you if you want to cry afterwards you go for it your boyfriend should lend you a shoulder to cry on.

Please back me the best you know how?

I have no thought what PMT is and never heard of it. I enjoy also never heard of a mental extent but I do have a worse time of year every 3 months.For a long time I didn't realize it was every 3 months, I freshly knew some be worse than others. a very well-mannered older friend and ex-co-worker brought it to my attention. I would step crying to her when I was have the boo-hoo spells and the fits and getting mad and upset really uncomplicated at work and she marked her calender but didn't share me at first so she wouldn't put the idea contained by my head. Later she told me going on for it and she said that she is the same instrument and so is her daughter, her step daughters and teen grand daughters! I still find it to be true that every 3rd term I have more "depression" and even worse cramps next to my period ... don't know why.

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