Question roughly speaking my plan b troubles?!?

i was have sex with my boyfriend and the condom broke. i took plan b for preventive thought. a week after i took it, without restrictive signs, i started my period and it be pretty heavy. (which i read can be majority to start earlier after taking plan b) that go on for a week, and then i be off for a week. and next all of a sudden...what seem to be a very pallid period have started again (this time my boobs were sore, i be kind of moody, and i have zero appetite). im not sure if this is a length, or if i should be concerned. it is SO light (ive never have this before) that most of the time i dont even need a tampon. it is a tremendously light pink color and sometimes a fluffy brown. anyone experience this? or any help is wonderful!!

Answers:    Plan B can wreak havoc near your periods for a couple of months. The spell you had after taking the pills be not your usual period - it be caused by the pill. Now, the reading light period is the time frame for your usual time of year (as evidenced by the sore breasts, etc) but there is no blood build-up within your uterus. Next month, your period may be atypical again (heavier or lighter than usual) and the following month, everything should be back to ordinary. Not to worry right in a minute, this is just a side effect of this medication.

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