Can i use plastic wrap as a form of sexual protection? instead of a condom..?


What is a cure for a vaginal yeast infection with out putting anything in your vagina?

No, don't. Really. You don't requirement to be having any kids.

Swimming beside period?

Just describe the child Chuck Jr

Or, if it's a girl - Saran

I shaved my vagina but now the quill is growing back and i enjoy a red bump where the pelt started growing back?


Is it possible to own a period but not bleed?


Where can I find statistics on breast expansion surgeries? I'd like to know the accurate : bad turnout ratio.

Only if you're performing oral sex on a women. Not for intercourse.

Hernia can the mesh move?


Are here a lot of guys who are into chubby (not grotesquely obese) women?

No, close to I said, if you can't afford condoms then you shouldn't be have sex.

Just go grasp a vasectomy when you have the money or insurance

Day after extent sex burns?

No No No and once more No. Do not own sex unless you have a condom. A legitimate one. Nothing else is as safe.

Can a guy..?

Sure you can if you don't keeping enough to buy condoms. Seriously, it's not a right idea and it's better to simply buy condoms if you really don't want you/your girl to get pregnant.

Tubal Ligation?

I guess you could but it won't be any form of protection, basically kinky.

What is that funny feeling?

sure.. if you want to achieve her pregnant and/or get a STD

Does anyione know of a past the worst diet pill?

Absolutely NO WAY. Buy the condoms!

How do i lose weight around my thighs?

No Chuck. Spring for the condom or spring for a kid! Better nonetheless you shouldn't be having any kids!!

Which is the girls weekness?

NO!!! If you want to gain her pregnant or catch an STD jump ahead...where contained by the world do these people come from? GOOD GRIEF!!

Only Getting My Period For 2 Days?

Sure be in motion for it. Just don't expect it to work as a method of birth control or as an alternate form of safe sex.

Can missing a pill from your birth control pack lead to you to spot bleed?

I wouldn't advise it unless you really want a newborn!

I have a brown vaginal discharge but it doesnt smell what could it be?

If ur broke,lol. But seriously it isnt tough satisfactory to keep from breaking. Because even some condoms break and higher than that condoms arent even 100% full proof there similar to 80 or 95%.

I'm 21, can my breasts still grow?

Oh yes, it is the new and cheap form of birth control. The just requirement is you have sex 4 times a light of day with plastic wrap for protection.

I inevitability help contained by finding a website or some advice contained by finding a really good obgyn/general doctor.?

You can, but it won't oblige to protect you. DUH!


you can't afford free condoms? THEY'RE FREE!!

Then use a sock and your hand.

How to take rid of facial hair?

I conjecture you misunderstood the advertising. It's not intended for protecting THAT giving of "meat".

Question about the Kidney and UTIS? *see details*?

Sure, but it'll only break and rip. Useless.

If anybody squeezes breast of girls its size increases?

All I can say is this falls underneath the same category as "Can you grasp pregnant from kissing?" and "If you stand up after sex you wont get pregnant." With pervasive sex nurture in every academy you would think individuals would be a little more informed. In answer to your request for information " you cant."

It Has Been 1 WeekWhy Do I Still Have My Period?

If your just going to slap your stick consequently yes.. If your going to have some intercourse. next I really would not consider it

Could this have be taken the wrong way?

If you hold nothing else, yes you can but not as risk-free as a condom, and not as fun either. The plastic wrap is to gelatinous and you get almost no consciousness.

What is a skein gland? and how does it become infected?

No because it probably wont stay on, now I enjoy heard of empire using plastic wrap for oral sex.

Possible Reasons for bleeding of nose?

That would be resembling playing with fire! One it won't stay surrounded by place and two it WILL leak! It will simply end up coming past its sell-by date! Its too risky if you ask me UNLESS you are in a relationship and you run out of condoms ,you could try it I guess but not to have sex beside random culture, no far to risky!

Please Read.!*?

You shouldn't participate surrounded by the act of procreation at adjectives. We don't need anymore of your nice.

Teacher sexual?

Love your sense of humor! :0)

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