Ummmm relieve with my extent?

ok i got my extent in december and resembling it went for in the order of 2 weeks but ever since then its gotten shorter and shorter. I a moment ago had it and i go for about 4 days! is something wrong...or is it a moment ago irregular because this is my first year having it...

Sex during menstration. why does it gross you feel better?

first year is other screwy, sadly.

If it seem to be really screwy go to the DR - PLEASE!!
My first year it be off and i told my mom and she said it be more abnormal than i thought (i would budge a full 30 days bleeding or skip 2 or 3 months) i had a tumor and low estrogen.

Often a DR will put you on low hormone birth control to comfort even things out for about 6 months when your body will straighten up alone.

It's usually because your body isn't used to it and isn't making the right combo of estrogen and testosterone

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