Where can I find statistics on breast enlargement surgeries? I'd close to to know the good : unpromising turnout ratio.

My mother would like to obtain a breast augmentation in the tumble and I was thinking something like doing it also...But I'm a little skeptical since I've be hearing so copious horror stories about leak saline, hardening of breast tissue, incisions coming unfurl and so on...I'd just close to to know where I can find true facts give or take a few the overall turnout of peoples surgeries. I'd also be really interested in knowing of anyones personal experiences with breast augmentation...flawless or bad. Thanks!

My friend say she doesnt feel anything when have sex..?

I've listed three URLs below that hold some information about your subject of interest. I'm a mannish, 59, and have have experience with a handful of partner who've had augmentation (my ex, two girlfriends, and two woman friends over days gone by 35 years.

I tried to convince my ex that I was vastly happy near her petite breasts (I'd always dated women who be small busted), but she was insistent on augmentation (this be before we married). I told her please do not do it for me, but if it be truly that important to her, I would not stop her.

She have surgery, didn't mind the doctor's orders not to pull or carry anything, and promptly pulled one of the tab loose, and was going to hold to have that side replaced. She be so happy going to a 'b' cup for that ten year period that she told her surgeon to shift ahead and replace both with 'c' cup silicone implant <that's what they used in the hasty 70s>.

I found her <and other partners> breasts to be harder to the touch, less pliant. Two of my women friends said that their nipple sensitivity to sensual stimulation be decreased appreciably after augmentation. Two were competent to nurse later contained by life when they have children, and two chose not to breastfeed, but said augmentation played no part within their decision.

There's still abundantly of controversy about implantation material 'leak' and potentially causing problems <my ex have arthritis, but isn't sure it's cause/effect with augmentation>.

Interestingly, both my mom and my sister, who be well endowed, detested their larger breasts <36 and 38 D> and they seriously considered reduction surgery. So progress figure.

Bottom strip, you are wise to be skeptical, and drastically smart to do research into the pros and cons before, not afterwards, so you will hold the ability to brand an informed choice. Be sure your mom gets one and the same information you uncover, and best of luck no event what you decide.

Peace be.. Bob H

Brown Dischange Coming Out Vagina?

dont do it youll just cause more trouble

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