If i skip the placebo pills will it mess my extent up?

i mean my interval is a bit wierd lately and i have be taking the active pills subsequently and earlier a great deal because sometimes i get home latter. So would that be the cause of my funky spell?

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No, not taking the placebo pills wont do anything as long you start vertebrae with the involved pills on time. and varying the time you take the pill shouldn't really mess it up any as long as you take it everyday. If you're babyish then it could a moment ago be your body trying to reglutate you're period, it'll coppers often

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no, but sometimes taking the active ones at different times can effect your regularity

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The placebos are just that, placebo. They contain no hormones, but are designed to facilitate you remember the pattern that you hold to follow. If you are not taking the other pills systematically, then that will impose changes surrounded by your period.

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yes it would, birth control pills are designed to regulate, but in turn to do that they must be taken with regularity, that channel at the same time every time. If you skip the placebo pills, you will royally mess up your cycle. Take them, or at smallest take nought on the days they represent, and then start taking your bc pills in a regular fad.

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Hmm interesting that the RN said it would mess up your period. They actually enjoy birth control that is 21 daytime which eliminates the second week inert pills. Basically, the finishing week is to keep on track and not forget pills build it a habit you know!!

Need some give a hand please?

if you dont take them, you will not get hold of a period. the hormones prevent you from getting a interval, so the other allow you to since they have no hormones. Its not dicey though.

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