Do women usually bring back a little horny right befor enad during their monthly? is it run of the mill?


How do I know if I have Endometriosis?

I acquire horny at three different points in my cycle. I think two are hormonal reaction, and the other is circumstantial.

I get horny when I ovulate and during my interval. To me, those are hormonal reactions. One is recounting me, "I can get pregnant immediately!" The other is, I think, related to the length itself.

My circumstantial horniness is because my boyfriend ALWAYS gets horny when I'm on my time. Because his sex drive is lower than mine, I jump on the opportunity as soon as my time of year is over.

So, to answer your question, I estimate it's perfectly average to get horny back (ovulation) and during (hormones). That's my experience anyway.

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