Is there a method to tell if I have sex no matter how lots days or years by anybody such as doctors?

Could they use tools to see if I've had sex or not? Please furnish as much details as possible.

What are the risks i f i have have chlomydia for a few years and did not know?


A professional would be able to examine you and determine whether the hymen, (a scrawny piece if skin stretching across one side of the opening to the vagina) have been broken or not. The hymen man intact suggests virginity.

However! This method is not 100% as the use of tampons and heavy petting can also disturb the hymen.

Your consultation near your Doctor is confidential. He has no right to share such information beside your parents unless you give him go-ahead to do so. Even if you are under 16

I grain nervous more or less usin the pill my bf thinks i should turn on it cuz he doesnt like usin condoms?

you askinh cos you dont know? you can let somebody know a doctor if your worred about smething as your information is confidential. conceivably if you told us why then we could facilitate more

Does anyone else have this hormonal "problem"?

hymine man torn is usually a sign but not nessesarilly a sign a womans had sex. also, in good health, wear n' tear. besides the hymin though, nearby really are no signs.

I'd like to know why some women right to be heard to wait until marital for sex?or why they regret sex with a ex?

A gynecologist would know how to tell that your hymen (a membrane covering the space of the vagina) has be ruptured, but that could be ruptured due to horsebackriding or similiar activities

Help surrounded by bras and puberty?

Not directly. They could see that you no longer have a hymen but that's not atrociously unusual for virgins. You have probably be exposed to at least one form of HPV and they could experiment for that but won't unless you ask or they suspect you have it. If you've be into really rough stuff, you could have scarring but across the world that's more indicative of abuse than sex.

Is it innate for some human females not to have Labias(hardly zilch there)?

yes definatly, my g/f was checked after our 1st time (aslo her 1st time ever) and the doc looked at her and asked if she be sure it was single one time we had intercourse. she be caught for sure... but one of our friends she had sex the 1st time and after her doc said she be still a virgin.

i geuss it all depends on how it go, and how smart your doc is.

How many times a daylight should u masturbate?

yeah they can tell. if you want my professional assessment, take a picture of down in that and email it to me and i can tell you if you will be contained by trouble or not.

When do breast buds go away?

there is no oral exam, that will give a 100% result.
If u be sore during sex, u have scar or bruises, or ur hymen was broken, these are adjectives indications for having have sex, but not proofs, since they could be caused by masturbation or rough sports.
u merely have to be smart, and contained by case question arise, be able to find suitable answers.

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