Women solely please?

i have a pink patch above my nipple and it feel a bit hard and is painfull, what could it be?

3 period in one month, what should i do?

It could be any number of things from newly a patch of dry skin to skin cancer. You need to enjoy a doctor check it out.

Is Acetazolamide good for nausea?

if you enjoy msn IM me on [email protected]

Dr. found bleeding in nipple says no cancer but dosnt know why its bleeding?

Ok, I'm a masculine (married over 38 years) and MY advise is SEE YOUR PHYSICIAN!

Has anyone have hip dysplasia after having a little one?

Could be a cyst or an infected hair follicle. Try some moist warmness on it, if it doesn't help see an MD

What do you guess this is?

don't know but anything unusual on your breast should be seen by a doctor.

How long after a consultation w/ plastic surgeon until surgery?

May be a swollen gland. I would speak you really must go to a doctor to trademark sure it's nothing terrifying.

Kinda of embarrassing?

Could be masitis (may not ahve spelt that right), it's a blocked milk duct, and is reasonably common within pregnant or breats feeding women, but it could develop in someone who is neither.
They do speak to report any nipple changes to your GP asap as it could be a sign of breast cancer. Book an appointment asap, ring NHS direct if you start going mental near worry, they might be capable of help you out beside some piece of mind for now, right luck xx

Loose weight?

Go see your doctor. Don't guess on things similar to this because really no one reading your give somebody the third degree really really knows.

Trimming Hair Question?

I know that you said women lone but just travel and get it checked out by a doctor. Some one I know have a similar problem and it turned out to be early stages of cancer. but because it be early they manage to completley remove it. and is now fully recovered.

fitting luck and hope that it is nothing serious.

Females solely!!?

dont know but dont stress i think a trip to the doctor is within order. sounds heartless. i know that doesnt help but ewwww doesnt any.

How much longer will I bleed from a misscarriage?

Go to your doc's,it's more than likely nil to worry roughly speaking, but for your peace of mind, it would be the sensible thing to do

Woman problems, have anyone else had this problem?

It could freshly be a rash, or a spider bite. Sometimes an insect bite feel that way. But it could be a cist. (SP? Sorry ) Keep an eye on it for a couple of days. Avoid wearing a bra for two or three days if you can so within is no friction. If it intensifies in size or color, , see a doctor ASAP.

Girls only please?

It could be mastitis or even an infected milk duct best entity is go to see your GP honest luck

What is masturbating?

hmmmm i ll have to examine this....instinctively ;)

Morning after pill?

That could be breast cancer get to a doctor. NOW!

Puberty i have a sneaking suspicion that?

You must go see your doctor. This is not something where on earth you should wait and see what happen.. cause it could be zilch, but wouldnt you rather find out in a minute rather than it mortal to late to do anything if it is serious. You will surface so much better when it is checked out

Question for the women. Bloating?

See your doctor...don't ask people on internet. You will lead to yourself unnecessary angst and not receive the peace of mind you're looking for. Hope all is resourcefully.

Does zoloft make birth control such as ortho tri cyclen lo smaller quantity effective or do they interact in a doomed to failure way?

it could b a 3rd nipple

Very Weak Immune System ?

i have a sneaking suspicion that it could be dry skin,rash (maybe from bra),cancer, or maybe a disese. I would put lotin on it after I have taken a shower. But personaly Ithink you should see a doctor about that because it coule be serious!

apt luck-hope I helped-hope you're ok

Boob question?

It could be a quantity of things but your best alternative is to see your doctor. Hopefully is nothing serious.

Help!! i what should i do?

go see your gp but nought serious or would not be painful most likly a gland as they swell up when you on time of year and some dont go down that impose you pain .you will be ok .

Ihave taken 60 vicodin in 10 days will i shift through withdraw or grain like crap? how long will it second PLEASE h

it cud be a infection or an ellergic reaction to something you enjoy eaten..or even a perfume. it wud hurt because ur breast is a immensely sensitive part of the femaale body...but if ur still worried better turn and get urself checked up by a doctor.

How long do BC Pills stay surrounded by your system once you have stopped taking them?


Does it hurt phisically to own an abortion?

See your GP. It could be one of a million things, don't always assume the worst.

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