Just got my length today! Very nervous! Need guidance!?

Ok, so I just go to the bathroom and found my underwaer completly stained brown!

I have a wipe on, but how will I tell my mom?
What should I do?
What should I expect?
Any sites that assist?

What can you do to reduce acne flare-ups since your period?

Go here: http://beinggirl.com/en_us/pages/yourper...

Just enlighten your mom that you started getting your period. Tell her, because she'll find out eventually anyway.

Boobs too big?

You shouldnt be freaking out everyone get there period.

Loestrin 24 and Spotting?

your mom will be able to answer adjectives your questions, shift ask her.

I'm so sick..Help me..?

just say "Mom, I devise I just started my spell." That's all I did.

What's a honest size?

I'm not sure how you should tell her, a moment ago come right out and do it maybe? But if you share her, she will tell you anything you inevitability to know about it.

JASMIN PILL, will i put on freight?

Starting your period shouldn't be anything to be afraid of. Just turn up to your mom and tell her that you started. I remember when I started I woke up and my pant and bed sheets were stained so I changed clothes put on a wad started a load of laundry and get ready for arts school and once my mom woke up I told her.it's very simple... xP
sorry I'm not really virtuous at explaining things. lol

Help with Endometrosis Can it come spinal column this soon?

Don't worry...i be reacting equal way when i first started mines.

Number 1: Tell your mother so that she can backing you out. I'm sure she will give you info that you requirement to know.

Number 2: Since you started your period, your body is a moment ago now developing this, so it may not come every month approaching it should, but believe me don't worry more or less it because it will.

Talk to your mother and she will help you out beside the basics...

Can u swim beside a tampon?

Go tell your mom that you get your period. Expect some cramping, run a couple of tylenol, you will be fine.

But remember, if you have unprotected sex, you can get hold of pregnant.

Does anyone know of any medicine for stretch marks-am a Ghanaian?

just report your mom, she'll be the best person to comfort you.

expect a little cramping and a couple days of bleeding...its not that big of a accord, everyone has to do it sometime...

seize into the doc sometime soon for your first annual exam, an ounce of prevention is beter than a pound of cure. Plus if youre confortable with your doctor after if you are too nervous to ask your mom roughly speaking some 'woman' things it is nice to have that source to address to.

What does it mean when the clitoris swells up after sex?

Moms own been at hand, it's ok. Just tell her u involve to talk and describe her what happend, it's nothing to bring punished about. I am sure she will explain things and enlighten u what to expect, if u don't have a mom, a dad or friends mom I am sure will be feeling like to help u.

Hello i am a 13 year infirm girl and i need some comfort on getting a motivation to sleep earlier on the week days.?

Sweety it is commonplace. Tell your mom it is normal. She will narrate you what you need to know. It is intensely scary but it is terrifically natural. It is not because you did anything wrong. You have need of to wash those panties out within some warm hose down and salt. Keep yourself as verbs as possible and use those panties for what we women call term panties. Good luck and welcome to woman hood.

What cause your poop to .?

Don't panic, it's adjectives very pure. Just let your mom know. She'll any be very excited that you're adjectives grown up or she'll just permit you be. It'll be uncomfortable for the first few days but after that you'll do fine. It might also make available your mood swings.

Embarrassing problem help!?

you should not verbs it's normal , generosity to womanhood! your officially near now! reaction to monthly cramps,bloating,headaches, you carry the big picture...really it's not that bad you will carry use to it

How old do you own to be to have lazer mane removal?

relax! your 1st will prob be light. another will come contained by about 28 days, report to your mom. change wipe every hour or every 2 - 3 hours as needed. take Tylenol or Motrin for cramps. purely say mom, i stipulation pads! birth control pills can backing periods to be easier. if so, try yaz. virtuous luck!


How to tell your Mom. Well, when she get home I would sit her down where YOU are most comfortable (maybe surrounded by the privacy of your bedroom) and just be out near it. I bet she's expecting you to tell her this thoroughly soon anyhow and I bet she is as nervous as you are. Remember that your Mom is your greatest friend and ally. She will poised your fears and tell you everything you inevitability to know. She's your greatest teacher, even if you don't know it all the same!!
Until then, what to do? Monitor the flow. It's everyday for it to be brown in the formation and don't be alarmed if it turns a true red. If the pad become to saturated or merely plain uncomfortable, tuning it. I would suggest wrapping the old one contained by some toilet paper until that time tossing it. Trust me, no one desires to see that in the trash. Wrapping it up is the ladylike entity to do : ) You might get for a time cramping but everyone is different. Good luck and be sure to be open next to your Mom. She'll know how best to get you through it : )

How to find rid of lose vaginal lips?

Just be business of fact next to your mom. It won't be a surprise to her at all, she go through the same piece. You can now expect to walk through the same article every 28 days or so. You can plan for it. You may have scratchy cramps, you can take 2-4 ibuprofins which should minister to the pain. You will want to silver your pads normally as they can get smelly if not here too long. Get some of those bathroom wipes that are similar to baby wipe to clean yourself and hang on to yourself fresh. Welcome to womanhood!

Is it bad if you're on your time and ?

Ok first of all report to your mom that you are a woman or something, I know it might be terrible I dind't give an account her, but you know you pads for your spell so your mom has to buy them for you, anyway adjectives women have period, just try to make clear to her she will understand, I be very embarassed and I took to long to communicate her and I should have have the confidence to tell her it's completely typical and this you will suffer for years so tell her and bargain, good luck!! ;D

Stretch Marks.?

First settle down down. Is this your first period?

Change your undie, get hold of on a new one and put on a wad. There's regular pads and desk light day pad.

If this is your first period, you might enjoy what is called spotting - somewhat will come out, but no real extent. You can use a light morning pad for very soon.

But if this will develop into a real spell you will need a regular wipe. It will need to be replaced every few hours, depending how lashing your flow is. Once the period get heavier, you may cramp. You can take Tylenol, Advil, or Midol - read directions on how frequent to take.

If chunks start coming out, this is mundane. This is your uterine lining shedding. It will be shady red and will happen on your first sunshine of heavier bleeding.

If your period is brown right presently, it will get redder once the flow get going. Go to the sink and soak the panty in some hot water and gooey soap (on the stain). Soak for about 5 minutes. Hand clean up the stain. If you don't know how to wash, of late hold the panty in both hand and rub the fabric together. This will give somebody a lift out the stains before it sets too defectively.

When you're a littel less self-conscious, jump talk to your mom. Hopefully, she's the type who will be comfortable speaking to you in the order of your period and explain some things and answer question you may have.

If your mom won't speak about you much, come back to Yahoo and ask your question.

You'll be just fine.

Pee pee sound out?

You should just give an account your mom. When I got mine I basically stood around by my mom then be like mom I consider my period started and she hugged me and asked if I be okay and bought me some pads and stuff. So only just tell your mom she will abet you a lot if she's anything close to mine. Hoped I helped honey :).

Growth spurt lend a hand meeee!!?


This is a really good verbs for this kind of stuff. It help my a lot when I first started my interval.

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