JASMIN PILL, will i put on mass?

I HAVE PCOS(polycycstic ovaries) they have presribed me jasmin pill to regulate my period, as the last on be 7months ago,i am 22 and have never be on a pill before, so i am wondering will i put on counterbalance or what effects this has have on any one, big breasts, spots, etc. thanks for your time!


Late Period Every month.Not Prego For sure!?

um you might depends on the soul if you ever been on low cycle birth control and it made you gain wieght u probly might blowt a moment or two for awhile intell u get use to it

Is it regular to skip a period?

jasmin is the most populaire and smaller amount side affect
you should not put on weight but is depende of your ormone

Is it really?

I tried yasmin, didnt approaching it, it made me moody... but i didnt gain weight. People are different though, if you dont approaching it u can always loose change to a different pill. But you should give it a fate!

Blood Clots/Periods?

Yes you will, my friend used to take it, she took 7 kilos whithin 2 years, she already own changed it now.

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