Breast enlargement? uk with the sole purpose please!?

I went to own a consultation few months back at harley medical group, (breast enlargement) it be a nurse i went to see surrounded by the Chester clinic, however i found her VERY pushy - even to the extent of her trying to book me in the very subsequent week! i didnt like the reality that she was so pushy that i didnt jump back in that. I have found another surgeon through word of mouth contained by liverpool rodney street. This clinic does not advertise within mags and papers, had adjectives the info through the post and he seems flawless. The first consultation is with the actual surgeon himself which is better. Has anyone have experience with the harley medical group, accurate or bad?
And have anyone had experience next to clinic in rodney street liverpool?

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The truth is the Harley Medical Group are of late a middle man between patient and surgeon. They are sale people and because they are getting commission, the prices are terrifically expensive.

It's important you quality comfortble with your surgeon. Remember the best doctors don't involve to advertise to go and get patients. Word of mouth is always better. My brother lately had a rhinoplasty next to a surgeon in London, he's in actual fact one of the best, but you won't find him advertising within any magazine or billboard, he doesn't have to.

Go next to your gut instinct.

Take care : )

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My friend have hers done at the Harley medical group and all though the out come of the increase was slightly good she also feel uncomfortable at the consultation and said that she wouldn't certainly recommend the place to anyone!I had mine done end year witha place called Re-shape,they hold a web site if you want to check it out!! Everything going on for it was excellent and the consultation is in fact done by the surgeon that does the procedure(Dr khan) - the out come is excellent and i am defiantly confident adequate in this place to recommend it!Good luck x

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I found that beside the Harley Medical Group - it was duplicate with Transform (where I get to speak to the surgeon but he asked me "so what's wrong with you that we call for to fix" I told him there be nothing "wrong" near me! What a cheek!
I ended up going next to the Poutney Clinic.

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well to start they are adjectives pushy !
i went to Transform contained by the uk they are well set company and have be doing procedures for over 26 years now and are massively well prearranged i had breast implant last october and they are the best point i have spent my money they look and touch like solid and everyone says they look fantastic and my boyfriend loves them - honestly if your considering it you should definatly dance for it they also do finance aswell i rewarded lb4000 and its well worth the money . they look after you extreamly resourcefully - they pick you up in a minicab from whereever you live take you down to the nearest transform hospital adjectives included in the price and you stay overnight and they give ya a 3 course spread and everything and then run you back contained by a taxi and you travel in and see your local Transform after the procedure to spawn sure everything is ok - you go and receive it done take a look at the website and jump for a consultation !! I WOULD DEFINATLY RECOMMEND THEM I WAS 19 YEARS OLD WHEN I HAD MINE DONE AND I LOVE EVERY MINIUTE OF THEM WOO HOO XXXXXXX

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