My girlfreind?

ok my gf is nice and really fun but she does somethings i dont know if they are norma or not 1she pees in the shower and 2 she pees standing up (like outside) is that normal?


peeing in the shower...more relations do it than u for a girl standing up and peeing me a favor...try taking a squat in the woods to pee and have your genitals potentially close to possibly poison ivy,poison oak.sumac or nettles...those weeds sort you itch bad plenty as it is but having it even NEAR the genitals is pure torture.because if u itch it they spread.kudos to your gf for bein competent to take a discharge standing up...
and no people your merely as likely to acquire wee on your clothes in the squatting position...

Ladies, can you relieve?

um. that is NOT really girl approaching. Peeing in the shower is so boyish. and did you TELL you she did this kind of stuff ? or.. be you in the shower near her.. and why the heck would she pee outside !?

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I'm sorry, but I laugh. Standing up? Isn't that a bit hard? Well, what she does within the shower is her business, but the outside thing.. is different.

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No I don't know any woman that does this although some those do pee in the shower for some out of the ordinary reason. As for peeing outside standing up.... don't know what that's roughly.

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Hmm the peeing in the shower could be actepable, but i'm not so sure about peeing standing up outside... that's a lil wierd i reflect on... wouldn't the pee run down her leg?...At least within the shower she could wash it rotten, but outside?

Plan B..i'm worried.?


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If she can organize to urinate in a fully upright position, dutiful for her! Have you ever tried to squat in the bushes and pee? It ain't fun!

As for the shower, I bet more women urinate in the shower than will agree to it. It's not just a "boy" piece...its just a short time less "clean" than most folks would associate with self female. And a short time ago think...the toilet hose and the shower water closing stages up in one and the same place.why waste river flushing the pee away in the toilet when you can accomplish the same point in the shower?! Silly, uptight family.

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It isn't in actuality abnormal, but it is crude for a girl. Tell her you don't find it attractive in a girl. It seem to me if she does that standing up outside she will wet her clothing. If she is short clothing...good grief!...she will involve to towel off her legs at the extraordinarily least. Sorry to be so blunt, but to be precise why girls usually sit on the toilet.

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Strange not really (men do it, but women enunciate nothing.) So relax bar that doesn't she appear normal 2 u. Good luck!

Sexy Girlz??

i know girls who do it, but the outside item is kind of wierd, let somebody know her that it's not very attractive

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dude thats unnatural. Are you sure she's not a transvestie?

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Peeing while standing in the shower is not unusual but I am concerned just about her doing so outdoors.

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alot of people pee within the shower and one reason is that the flow of hose of the shower makes citizens feel it alright to pee. its similar to peeing in a pool or beach. you cant really help out it. but its less verbs than just using the toilet.

but the outdoor entity scares me a bit. but you know, knelting down isnt any more comfortable, conceivably thats why.

oh and im sorry, but i laughed. XD

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