Plan B..i'm worried.?

I had a "spur of the moment" event surrounded by which i had unprotected sex. it happen early sunday morning (around 2ish) and i wasn't aware of Plan B until tuesday afternoon, where i purchased it. I took the pills and followed the directions, but i'm feeling no side effects and am worried that i'm already pregnant and it won't work for me. I'm not sure if it's freshly paranoia, but i'm obsessing over becoming pregnant. Do these pills work?!

I week until that time my period have pain surrounded by ovary area hurt to touch in a minute havin brown discharge 3 day after time of year why

"morning after" pills work best in the first 24 hours, and don't even bother after 72... between 2 Sunday a.m. and 2 Tuesday p.m. there be 60 hours - so it'll have a sophisticated chance of let-down, but you'd still be in the skylight.

if you're going to be sexually active and not necessarily be carrying protection in your purse or wallet, later you might like to consider taking a birth control pill - near are 80ish varieties on the souk, not to mention the 4-times-a-year injections... wait until after your subsequent period to start such a prevention method, though!

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i took them and have no side effects at all but only just to be safe y dont u keep on a week or so and take a audition and calm down stress can brand name ur period come in arrears and that might freak u even more

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The pills will work no concern what, but there's a 72 hour time confine on them. You do the math.

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I ve never have any side effects. Pretty soon you will get your spell - if that doesn't happen within the next 2-3 days, help yourself to a test.
They articulate you can take it in 72 hours, but I don't understand that since it give you your period no issue what.

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it solely works in the 72 hours after intercourse. So, it could still hold worked for you. Are you currently ovulating? When was your finishing period?

Girls and Guys if you know?

The pills do work, but must be taken inside 72 hours of intercourse. Your lucky that you haven't had any side effects, it made me be aware of really sick and nauseous. Other later feeling sick though, you won't quality anything. It doesn't bring on your period. You won't know if it worked until your subsequent period.

I enjoy a question roughly postpartum bleeding!?

Sorry to inform you, but if it was over 72 hours, You could attain pregnant with smooth.

What is the name of the pill where on earth on the commercial the guy gets skinnier and the woman stays alike weight

go to ... my girlfrind and I went thru this finishing year,. It helped me stay pacify and understand the emergency contraception method

Im 14 and this is rly gross. I can't stop sweating hot days, or lately playing ball , or you know.?

Plan B is to be used inside 48 hours of unprotected sex. It's FDA approved so it works, if used appropriately. You won't know if you're pregnant until you use a test. Wait until your term is late and consequently test. Good luck.

Does anyone know . what this pill is call that stops girls from having period and discharges please help!?

You are purely one of the lucky few that doesn't have the horrible side effects. You should grasp your period contained by 7-10 days after taking the Plan B pill. Dont fret. You'll be fine.

What do ya'll think in the order of the cervical cancer vaccine, Gardasil?

THE PILLS ARE ONLY 80% EFFECTIVE...the sooner you take them the's better later not taking anything...also stress could cause you to own a late spell

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