Ladies, can you sustain?

I have get a brown discharge 'down below'.
It looks like i'm on my interval, but i'm on the pill and i'm not on my breakthrough week yet.
There's no adjectives of me being pregnant any. Any ideas anyone?

How long does a spell last?

Spotting is adjectives during the first few cycles of birth control. Also, just because it isn't your breakthrough week, doesn't be determined you won't start having your term a little closer.

Im really confused?

Maybe some kind of infection. You should turn to your health spotlight and the nurse would take a swab, of late to be on the safe side

If its ure frist time does it hurt?

When you are on the pill, you are not really experiencing a extent each month. Its a pseudoperiod that occur during the sugar pill week. This blood is not oxygenated and therefore appears brown. It sounds approaching you are having breakthrough bleeding. I have this while taking Lo-Estren which is the lowest dose of estrogen pill. I hated it and changed pills. Now its stopped.

Can Platocin be used to bring on a interval?

I do'nt know what that is but if I be u, I would seriously think roughly speaking getting a Dr.'s appt. and find out. Or even call a robustness clinic and see what they can tell u if u do'nt want to walk to the dr...

Sexual excitement and cleavage?

see your gp or the practice nurse

Has anyone ever had probs near Mirena coil?

Breakthrough bleeding is very adjectives on the pill, especially if you've just started using it. It can go down at times other than the week you're rotten the pill. Sometimes it happens when you bear the pill at other than your regular time, or you may enjoy forgotten to take it on a infallible day. I don't reflect on it's anything to worry more or less, and will probably go away after several cycles hold been established. If it continues, you might want to check near your gyno. Good luck!

Girls Only?

best to go to your gp

Why will girls never speak how much they mas tu r bate?

I would make an appointment to see your GP, newly in baggage there is something uncharacteristic. It could be a sign of infection, or even a more serious internal issue, hence a visit to the doctor - purely to be on the safe side and to rule anything out.
Some women hold 'spotting' whilst taking the pill where you discern small amounts of blood in your underwear, so it may freshly be that. I hope you sort it out and everything is o.k.

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