A couple questions roughly speaking HPV?
Also, I know here are only a few strains of it that wreak cervical cancer or warts and the rest don't incentive problems, but if you have the strains that result in cervical cancer, is it a sure thing that you will acquire it?
I found out going on for 6 months ago that I have it. Yes it can be passed beside sex but it only effects women. There are so masses different kinds that hold different symptoms. I go and go and get a pap every six months to watch for cancer. You probley should too.
Its just a luck of the draw, you might or might not find it. [cervical cancer] The doctors dont even know... and as far as passing it thru oral, eh... not really... Its not that glib, its more skin to skin contact if you have WARTS on the outside of ur genitals.
Yes it can be passed through oral sex. They manufacture flavored condoms for fellatio (oral sex on men) and plastic wrap can be used for protection for cunnilingus (oral on woman)
It's not a sure thing that you will draw from cancer, but you will need to be sure and see the gyno at least possible once a year.
Has anyone had bleeding in between period lasting 12 days?
I too am a casualty of HPV, and I have to dance every six months for a pap. So far so good, but Im considered moderate stage, and be also told that pre-cancer will show up first. As for oral sex.hmmmm.I don't know about that one, Im not thinking so.I am really worried I enjoy a question in the region of Birth Control?
it can be passed through oral sex.i have it as capably, and i had some out of the ordinary paps in the past
but it didn't not effect me to much, because i stopped have abnormal paps after a couple visit. i think it really basically depends on how quickly you find out in the region of it. if found early, it can be treated formerly you reach the cancer stage of it. newly make sure to draw from regular pap smears. then the doctor will know what to do
Having high risk HPV does not neccesarily niggardly you will develop cervical cancer. I was confused myself around this and did a lot of research. If you hold it, you will want to have a pap every 6 months or so to clear sure pre-cancer cells aren't forming. Your ob/gyn is competent to remove the cells at this stage to prevent them from becoming cancer. Having a pap is pivotal in monitoring your situation.
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