Do i own a dutiful body? (pic)

ive been working out and wanna know if my stomach looks ok, be honest

Answers:    ah, how about a full body shot to administer the see the total package!.
YOU LOOK AWESOME!... LOL how did you get your stomach so superlative???? lol awesome job! I don't even know what too say! It looks great, a severely nice hourglass.
Don't quit! Keep working on toning so you don't slip up and lose it!.
yes thats a good pic of someone stomach , but i like to see the integral body ,,, LOOKS like a magazine cover!! good opportunity!.
yeah it looks fine, in the third picture i can see your abs starting to show : ) Looks healthy. You look obedient.
You look great!
good job, preserve up the good work! =] looks great :).
Yes it looks very nice. I yearning that I had a stomach like that. Good undertaking on working out!!.
hellz yeah EWW YOUR SO FAT.jk..
ever heard of sumthng like "thorny work pays off"
well it did in ur overnight case.
tho it isn perfect yet its doing a tour towards it.
i think your a little too water down honestly.

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