Periods and tampons?

do tampons help next to cramps i herd that it can stop the contraction of the cramp bring its in the uterus? any other tips u can share would be helpful


Where the heck did my time go?

Ok instead of those long answers I'll grant you a short brief explanation.

It doesnt help cramps because it go into the vagina. Not the uterus. But don't worry population make that mistake sometimes.

Take thaw out baths often
Cranberry juice helps
Eat lots of bananas
exercise to achieve the blood flowing, being a couch potato is in fact worse
Try midol or tylenol, for most people midol works best

best of luck,

Ladies, own you used the Depo?

pads are uncomfortable and annoying tampons are more comfortable and you don`t grain their there

Feminine request for information.women only?

Tampons DO NOT run in the uterus, they travel in the vagina! how would you ever expect it to take past the cervix, that's retarded lol!

in reality, having an orgasm cause the cramped muscles around the uterus to rapidly contract and release, and they ease up a bit afterwards and dispense you lots of relief, so masturbation is one of my favorite ways of dealing beside cramps, unfortunately it singular works for about 30-45 minutes, but the nouns you do get still make it totally worth doing.

I have dryness formerly sex even though im horny what is that?

take a warm hip bath, rest, drink lots of water, hold an advil, or massage your stomach okay hope this helps!

Any doc's surrounded by the house? Questions about a urethral prolapse.?

Based on personal experience solely..NO, tampons make cramps worse. SORRY.
Midol works great (or Advil) and a heat pad!!
Cramps are evil.

I am a able-bodied 46 year old. lately i enjoy no sexual desire?

where the hell did you hear that? lol ive never heared that tampons are great thou the a lot smaller amount disgusting if you do get and odor from youre extent its doesnt let it out cuz its inside of you. i personal have a sneaking suspicion that pads are grosse lol you sitting near youre blood outside of you all morning tampons keep the blood be it belongs (inside of you) until you take it out. if youre a virgin though it might hurt a touch when you put it in. best point to do is just relax. and the tampon itself doesnt enter youre uterus? :S so im not sure who told you that but thats messed im not a doctor or ne entity just a gurl whos have her period for years i reason a tampon is alot more comfortable and when i use one i feel close to i dont even have my length. if youre bothered by cramps talk to you DOC and they can prescribe you a anti inflamitory type pill that works wonders! save you can pick up medication at youre local pharmacy that is designed newly for women and their periods. some other methods for relieving cramps hot baths, excercise, lots of wet, stay clear of coffee and chocolate even though it may make you heated feel better it can repeatedly make cramps more discomfort ful. i also know that from a meditation/spirtual stand point if you do some deep breathing and spy and let youre body and mind be aware of the throbbing it can actually diminish the strain all together its wiered how mind control works close to that. also just relax and step about you sunshine like any other afternoon if you stop or slow down youre going to notice the throbbing alot more. well i come up with i answered ur question and hopfully lend a hand you alittle if not sorry lol

Is squ#iting a conventional thing or a payment?

Lack of magnesium in the diet can contribute to PMS and cramping. Some sources of magnesium are green leafy vegetables, brazil nuts, peanuts, bananas, milk, in one piece grains, bran and wheat germ.

Lose 15-20lbs contained by two months?

Nonsense. The only article you need to be concerned give or take a few is how comfortable you are. Some think pad are uncomfortable, others suggest tampons are uncomfortable. If a tampon make you uncomfortable, it indubitably isn't going to help you perceive better during cramps.

The only point I have ever found that is to say not a prescription that relieves my cramps is sex. If I am really bad, I'll do it myself contained by the shower. If the hubbby is around, we do it together in the shower. Orgasm will definetly relax the muscles in the uterus (esp. if you come) and should make available you a little endorphin boost to heave you out of a PMS-Blue mood. Just clean yourself really all right down there up to that time you have a travel ( I usually don't resort to this on a "heavy" day, but usually my cramps are worse on the days preceeding my time of year and my light days). Seriously, you guess I am nuts, but I have a standing prescripiton for T3 (Tylenol w/ codiene) for my greatly severe cramps, and this works waaaay better than that stuff. The effect can last for 10-16 hours, opening more than I could hope for with a T3 and no risk of chemical dependency and solitary good side-effects.

BTW, a tampon doesn't dance in your uterus.

Girls solely please!?

No tampons don't help near cramps but if you leave them contained by too long apart from the fact that you may capture toxic shock you will probably develop stomach pains and probably cramps

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There is no path for the tampon to be in the uterus. fist of the uterus is former your hymen which unless you are contracting you couldn't get a tampon long-gone it and you only contract if your pregnant. And no tampons do not oblige with cramps. Regular exercise and a reheat bath and ibeprofen relief with cramps.

Would you be embarassed?

I've interviewed lots women about their cramps, and never have one said tampons helped them, within fact, plentiful did say it made them worse. As far as tips, here's what my survey have shown so far as the most popular remedies:
1. Ibuprofen (Advil) .........
2. Acetamenophin (Tylenol)......
3. Hot bath/shower.......
4. Heat .........
5. Pressure .........
6. Hot drinks .........
7. Exercise.......
8. Ointments/balms......
9. Ice Packs.......

Hope this is of some help.

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