Girls Help Me!?!?!?!?

Im on my period and I touch horrible.My stomach hirts and I hev been goin to the bathroom alot.What can I do to construct me feel better..Like what can I put away to make my stomach stop hurting?

Women/girls..please abet!?

I am not a girl but I have hear some friends tell me that they usally cart a warm tub and something drink something warm approaching a cup of milk and then they a moment ago lay down.

Hey, so is it ok to smoke pot while on birth control!?

take a warm hip bath

89 yr old:experiences chronic fatigue,food taste change,increasing belly flab with smaller amount food intake?

bananas and a warm compress and some midol

Sex previously marriage?

Try some thaw food, like soup or pudding. Taking extra calcium help me with cramps.

For former times few weeks?


Ovarian Cysts?

try some chamomile is excellent for the stomach and will help even out your moods and will mildly give support to with the anguish.

Helpladies only?

A hot cuppa tea, peppermints and a dutiful lie down.

Mature one and only women plz?

yogurt and bananas, maybe whip some midol and drink plenty of water.

Menstrual Cycle?

drink alot of diet coke one of the chemicals in it is supposed to composed your stomach down
but it has to be diet and it have to be coke pepsi just doesnt work

This is impossible to tell apart question i of late ask but maybe i have need of ask it differently. If your not a virgin are you still?

what helps me is drink a hot cup of tea, not oo hot, rob a tylenol, and rub your stomach with bengay. it burns, but it'll work. later go to sleep.

Come down on rhapsody how to avoid it?

sounds like cramps, or I don`t know bloating... I would suggest for nausea anything like a ginger ale, or 7 up, or sprite... or something clear and fizzy. if it's bloating... or cramps turn buy some midol... but make sure to devour something like bread.. I can't purloin the stuff on an empty stomach it make me dizzy. If you still feel sick... possibly take something similar to Dramamine.. which will knock you out, but will help. worthy luck!

Are you on the yasmin contreceptive pill? how has it effect your mood? how has it effect your sex drive?

Dont bathe for too increases the agony.
and take gud rest and use a heat pad to reheat up ur stomach..dont do much manual work...

Women, what do you beckon your nether regions?

You need to hold some painkillers to stop stomach cramping but if you are not into medication, try to drink some cranberries or carrot juice to glibness the pain.
Dont devour anything solid, try some yogurt or pudding which you can digest easily.
Lie down on bed and own the painkiller, cranberries liquid or yogurt next to you of late in travel case your pain comes final again. Get a family associate to take supervision of you and sit next to your bed, holding and cuddling you until you rest.

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