What could this be?

Day be4 yesterday I started impression desperate, my lower spinal column started hurting, kinda similar to cramp pains u gain when u are on ur monthly. It tolerate up though and yesterday I started getting the distress again along wit twinge within my disappeared side and immediately my right side... It feel close to cramps close to I'm going 2 start my term, but could that be? I jus finished my monthly on the 18th! If its not that, what could be coming on?

I am 13 and I own sticky brownish healthy-looking discharge, but I own not started my spell but?

Symptoms sounds resembling a urinary tract infection. You obligation to be in motion to your doctor and enjoy a urinalysis done to convey for sure. If you do enjoy one they will administer you the correct antibiotic to cure it.

I know how to insert it, but i can never attain it right?


Would this be consider PMS?

Maybe it is an infection approaching urinary tract, bladder, or kidney, or you appendix, travel to the doctor please.

How long will most girls grow after they obtain their first length?

Go see your doctor! Only they could recount your for sure and it could be anything. They might obligation to run some trial.

Does anyone enjoy any non-drug remedies for postpartum depression?

well it could be a few things it could be a urinary tract infection or kidney infection or if u are sexually moving u may be pregnant!

What is a right college, that i can core surrounded by anyone an ob/gyn?

It could be gas!

Post hysterectomy and precancerous cell?

please be paid an appointment in a minute. it might be serious but later again it might not, you'll never know unless you travel to the doctor. hope everything's ok and tolerate us know how it go.

What is a menstrual cup?

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