Ovarian Cysts?

Can ovarian cysts affect your menstrual cycle? I think mine is a week precipitate, and not as heavy as usual.

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Ovarian cysts are usually caused by the egg not releasing from the ovary properly or not at adjectives. This will leave a blister that fill and will cause anguish and interruption of your cycle if it gets to big. If your have any pain or attitude unwell it would be best to see your doctor and ask for an ultrasound.


Yes they can, very much so.

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Yes. It can rationale you to have an irregular cycle. Taking birth control and other things can give support to you regulate it and help keep hold of your cysts down. Since it is effected by testosterone level in your body.

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Most ovarian cysts are fluid-filled sacs or pockets in or on the surface of an ovary. They occur as the result of common ovarian functions, including ovulation (the release of an egg, called ovum, from the ovary) and hormone production. Because these cysts are produced from average ovarian function, they are called functional cysts.

These fluid complete sacs are commonly referred to as simple cysts, and are almost other benign. Cysts that are solid or contain both solids and fluids (known as complex cysts) might not always be benign and require further investigation.

There's more information below including how these cysts can affect your cycle:

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Alot of women do get ovulation cysts. (small ones), which usually rupture when your term starts.
It is when they don't rupture and continue to grow which can end in irregular periods, stomach-ache, etc..
When they are big and rupture, then (in my previous experience) makes for an extremely horrendous interval.

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