Late periods & dull pain?

Me and my boyfriend do not have sex seriously at all. Once a month conceivably. And even if we do, it lasts for 10 minutes at the most, because next I start to feel torment in my lower stomach. There's a sharp twinge during and after sex. Also ever since I started having sex, my time never comes on time and is other 4-10 days late. Also around 2 weeks before I find my period, those same sharp pains (like the ones I attain during sex) come back at unselective times. Why do I experience pain during sex and why is my extent always behind schedule?

4-10 days after menstruation i having sex next to my partner?is this safe?

Sharp pains can be indicative of ovulation, which is usually just about two weeks before your time of year. However, sharp pains can be an indicator of a larger problem. Only your doctor can tell you for sure, so I suggest seeing your Ob/Gyn.

Get on birth control if you are worried roughly speaking pregnancy (which you seem to be). Planned Parenthood or your county's strength department can give you affordable choices.

Never um and ah to ask your doctor if you are concerned about your condition. That's what they're there for!

Best of luck to you!

Im a cheerleader and I immediately have my interval?

Sex is not supposed to be painful. You really want to see an OB/GYN to find out if everything is ok with you. There are a million things that can be wrong beside that part of our bodies, but adjectives of them get worse next to time, so don't to the doctor! And be open and honest nearly your symptoms. Make sure you let the doc know that this is a up to date sexual partner, incase there is the kismet that he could have given you an unpleasant offering.

Question to the ladies from a guy on an embarressing topic- Let's say you are next to a guy in bed?

Stop have so much sex, cause guys gain bored of the same entry. So make him want it almost pleading dont be so easy. Even if it is your boyfriend , husband, I don`t know a one night stand, but hold yourself. Anyways you may own pelvic disease or gonerria or a std all that sprem.

Period comfort?

Could be endometriosis, or even an STD. You need to label an appointment at your female doctor ASAP. If you hold no insurance, contact your local Planned Parenthood. They offer discounted rates and abundant services.

Good luck!

Why did my period subjectively stop?

You should go see an OBGYN This could be symptoms of something much more serious such at ovarian cysts or cancer.

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