Im a cheerleader and I very soon have my extent...?

and its wacky if you go to my second question you will kno how wacked up it is.wat should i do for when i enjoy practice and all that? i obligation tips!

Breast lump?

it was the one in the region of feeling sick during your time? okay well, i've have the same problem for four years and i've developed ways to operation with it. first of adjectives, use tampons, you'll feel much drier and they don't grain like drizzling diapers, and they're convienent for sports (I dive and play softball, so they're great for in the pool and on the field) if you don't know how to use a tampon ask your mom or a woman you trust or read the box label. Next for cramps, take 2 or 3 Naproxen Sodium (Alleve), you can clutch up to four in 24 hours. Third, if it's super lashing like you said, you should wear a tampon AND and wipe together to prevent leaks and metamorphosis the tampon often. Also you can lug some Ibuprofen (2 or 3) to slow down the flow and relieve the cramps. DON'T TAKE THE ALLEVE AND IBUPROFEN AT THE SAME TIME. Fourth for nausea, I also have this problem, trade name sure you eat something, you will surface more nausous if you don't eat, don't overstuff yourself, and chomp through good foods, don't devour junk similar to chips and sugar. The sick feeling should budge away after a couple of days, before I go on birth control, out of the 10 days I had my length, 5 of those days I was completely miserable. Horrible migranes, cramps, nausea, and lately an overall yuck feeling. It's okay that your period are irregular, it make bring up to three years for them to become regular, or they might never regulate. If you continue to own problems, you should talk to your mom or someone you trust and hold them take you to the doctor. Just because we're girls we shouldn't enjoy to suffer.

Menstration question?

tampon... idfk

Will Natural Lubrication Allow a Tampon to be Easily Inserted?

take advil or tylenol

Tummy chubby..i want abs?

first. ewwwww (take a shower)
second.. cover your slit with a bandaid, that should stop the bleeding =}

How should I deflower a girl lacking causing any misery or taking any risk at all?

Well, I did see your closing question. So I know what is going on. Try using super leaky tampons when you go practice.

How can women hold their pee?

You should use Tampons because if you are really athletic you can't own a pad contained by between your legs so get tampons and a Midiol, or something. To massacre the cramps you might want to get "The Care & Keeping of You" it help explain everything to you. well give or take a few what can help you and explain it to you.

What is your vagina supposed to look/feel close to on the inside?

before practice take midol or pamprin, anything that will stop the cramps and bloating. tampax have a new tampon call tampon sport. this should help.

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